TTT: Top 10 Most Recent Books I DNFed!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Most Recent Books I DNFed!

1- Out of Character by Jenna Miller: Idk I just couldn’t get into this one. I get staying on your computer all the time (because I am also that way concerning my blog and it’s social medias, but she had a nasty attitude I just couldn’t get over too. So yeah, peach out!

2-The Legacies by Jessica Goodman: This is the third book by Goodman I tried. And the second one I DNFed because it was too drug heavy. It’s unfortunate tho because the one book by her that I did read, I did enjoy it.

3- Always Isn’t Forever by J.C. Cervantes: I don’t understand why I DNFed this one. Ok in reality I was bored. I didn’t feel anything and this was supposed to be a really emotional book. But I just didn’t feel anything.

4- Sing me to Sleep by Gabi Burton: I HATED THAT I DIDN’T LIKE THIS. I tried in 2 different formats, but I think fantasy just isn’t for me. There was absolutely no world-building, so in turn I didn’t know anything about the main character, which made me not care. I just couldn’t get into it.

5- Three Drops of Blood by Gretchen McNeil: I tried, but I heard that this was a re-telling of an Agatha Christie novel, so I DNFed it on the spot. (Racist Agatha Christie)

6- Pieces of Me by Kate McLaughlin: This is the 2nd book by Kate McLauglin that I tried and it just wasn’t for me. Another one that was too drug heavy. I just couldn’t get through it.

7- Someone is Always Watching by Kelley Armstrong: I REALLY wanted to like this. The synopsis sounded like I should have been all over it. But it just wasn’t executed right. I just couldn’t get into it.

8- Liar’s Beach by Katie Cotugno: I tried so many times to get into this book. But I just could not get into it. Maybe it was the narrator? I kept falling asleep. And every time I had to rewind it and figure out where I was I kept wondering when the mystery started. An hour and some change in and it was still introducing characters.

9- The Witch and the Vampire by Francesca Flores: Another one that almost convinced me that fantasy just isn’t for me anymore. I could not get into this. I don’t think I made it to Chapter 10.

10- Never Vacation With Your Ex by Emily Wibberley & Justin Siegemund-Broka: 30% in and she broke up with him. But she doesn’t explain why. And then she acts hurt that they’re not together. AND THEN gets mad at him for saying he misses her. None of this makes sense and it does not make it entertaining. As this is the 2nd book by this author duo that I’ve DNF’ed, I don’t think I’ll be trying them anymore.

What about you? Have you read any of these? Let me know in the comments!

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One thought on “TTT: Top 10 Most Recent Books I DNFed!

  1. Eek! Seeing a few from my TBR pile that I still need to read here. Not the first time I’m seeing Armstrong’s book on here. Hoping that I will still enjoy it myself as I love her books! I kind of forced myself to read McLaughlin’s book as I won an ARC and the subject matter was one I was semi-familiar with having did a paper on it many years ago. It was heavy stuff though!

    Here’s my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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