TTT: Top 10 Fave Things to Eat/Drink While Reading!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Fave Things to Eat/Drink While Reading!

I just wanna say I find it terrible that this is the topic when there is this “Don’t have a bookmark thing” going on.


1. Oreos: We buy a Family size pack of Oreos at least once a week. My husband and I LOVE them. And I love trying other flavors. So far my favorites are the Baskin Robins Mint Chocolate Chip and the Smores ones. And of course the originals. 
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2. Ice Cream: This is what I stress eat while reading. I normally only pull this out when I’m in the middle of a series ender or a thriller. 
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3. Hot Cheeto Puffs: I know many of you are looking at me in horror because there could be red dust everywhere, but listen, these things are some of the best things ever created lol I could eat these morning, noon, and night. And don’t give me a book where I don’t want to move, because this will be what I’m eating for the whole day. 
Image result for sour patch kids
4. Sour Patch Kids: I LOVE sour candy and will choose that over everything all the time. Again, don’t give me a book where I don’t want to move, because then I will disappear an entire bag of these and wonder why later that the roof of my mouth and my tongue hurt. 

5. Snyder’s of Hanover: Honey Mustard & Onion Pretzel Pieces: I know this sounds like the worst flavor combination EVER, but they are actually really good. The old library where I used to work was how I happened upon these, and I haven’t stopped buying them ever since. 


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6. Dr. Pepper: I LOVE Dr. Pepper and it’s my favorite soda. I will drink it at any time of day even with the super high caffeine content
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7. Bai: I called myself trying to give up caffeine and then I saw my manager drinking this. So I thought, Maybe I can try this. As it turns out, it also has caffeine in it smh lol 
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8. Hot Chocolate: I didn’t use to drink this, but after trying to give up caffeine, I realized hot chocolate had less in it than coffee, so I’ve been drinking this most mornings now.
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9. Water: I don’t drink anywhere near what I should, but I’ve been trying lately. I drink more than I used to that’s for sure. 
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10. Alcoholic Beverages: Self explanatory.

One thought on “TTT: Top 10 Fave Things to Eat/Drink While Reading!

  1. Ooh nice! I am a little amazed you can eat the Falmin Hot Cheetos and not damage your books. Kudos!

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