Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
Top 1
0 Characters I’d Like an Update On!

-Evie from Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon: WARNING THIS IS KINDA SPOILERY! After that ending I am hella interested in seeing how things are with her. I know she got a glimpse of it, but I’d like to make sure she is still ok.
-Ada from With You All the Way by Cynthia Hand: If you read this and hate the way she ended this one, you know why I wanted to check in. I wanted to see how at the very least that last interaction would have went. But nope, she Hand cut it off and left us with still so many questions.

-Milly, Aubrey, and Jonah from The Cousins by Karen M. McManus: This story was very weird and the ending was a bit of a mind eff. And even though things are a bit different for one of the cousins, I’d still like to keep up with them.
-Pip from the Good Girl’s Guide to Murder series by Holly Jackson: After that last book, I really want to check on her. At the very least she needs a hug or something. Things got hella dark there for a minute, so I want to let her know that someone still cares.

-Julian from Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas: I know y’all are thinking “But what about Yadriel?” I want an update on him too, but come on getting one from Julian is more important after that ending.
-Neil from Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon: I believe this is the story where someone is or was [SPOILER] incarcerated. [END SPOILER] I just want to check in and see how he is and if he’s still dealing with it ok.

-Lila from The Holiday Switch by Tif Marcelo: I would love to see how that thing that happened for her at the end is going and if she’s still running her book blog. And if she reviews more than just Christmas things now. (Because seriously just how much content can you have if you only review books about Christmas? lol)
-Everyone from We Are Not From Here by Jenny Torres Sanchez: I don’t want to tell anything, so I’ll just say I’d like updates on everyone.

-Veronica from Unpregnany by Jenni Hendriks and Ted Caplan: I imagine she would be pretty pissed if she was around now and still living in Texas. And her supposed boyfriend could turn her in. This is the sort of loophole the “Heartbeat bill” doesn’t cover ScAbbott ugh
-The baby from With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo: On the flip side of the last one, I’d like to see how the baby grew up and if things got easier for them.

What about you? Would you pick any of these? Did you pick any of these? Let me know in the comments!
OOh nice! Have to say these are all new to me reads here, but love how you allude to what happened to each of them! Makes me curious all the more! Lol.
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
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