TTT: Top 10 Books that Made Me Wish I Went there on Vacation

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Books I Read on Vacation that Made Me Wish I Went there on Vacation

I don’t know the last time I went on vacay. I just had a kid and I’m still too scared to take him on a plane. (Damn COVID) I am taking a week off next month for a staycation, but I don’t think that counts, so I’m going to do a little something different for this prompt. I’m going to do books/characters that made me wish I had went to the setting of the book with them on vacation lol

Both of these were so good. I loved being on the beach with them. It was such a treat the entire time.

Was she going to a funeral in Every Summer After? Yes. Did it stop it from being super amazing place that sounded ideal for vacays? Also yes. In Fool of Death, it was most definitely the place on the mountain that made me want to visit. I still do tbh.

I’m beginning to think I have a type. For vacations I mean. They all mean somewhere by water for me lol

Ok so maybe I’m not that basic. I’d also visit somewhere where it snows. Or maybe I’m going just in case I might see someone like Nolan lol

I just want the vineyard part that they went to. The rest of it was too much outside for me lol And in BTHH, was this the site of a murder? Yes. Would I still visit there anyway? Also yes lol We klnow who did it lol

What about you? Where was your last vacay? Did you read any of these books? Let me know in the comments!

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One thought on “TTT: Top 10 Books that Made Me Wish I Went there on Vacation

  1. OOh nice topic switch! And picks! I altered the topic a bit as well. Though I should’ve stipulated my vacation as a staycation too! I’ve traveled once since Covid myself and that was almost a year ago now. I can’t imagine trying to do it with little ones. My sister has 3 kids, two of which are under 4. So going to the grocery store is its own adventure for her! Lol.

    Here’s my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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