Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books on my Fall 2022 TBR
At Take Me Away… Fall is seen as September-November, so these are books that release during that time that I’m hoping to read!

- Cursed by Marissa Meyer (Out 11/08/22) If you didn’t know this was going to be on my Fall TBR, you don’t really know me.
- Gleanings by Neal Shusterman (Out 11/08/22) Again, if you didn’t know this was going to be on my Fall TBR, you don’t really know me.
- How to Succeed in Witchcraft by Aislinn Brophy (Out 09/27/22) I am NOT a fan of witchy things, so when I find things that sound remotely interesting, I add it to my TBR with a quickness. AND this one is BLACK too? SIGN ME TF UP!
- Prince of Song and Sea by Linsey Miller (Out 10/04/22) Man listen, I didn’t know anything about this book until I saw it at TLA. That was in April. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since then. I am STOKED for this new release!
- The First to Die at the End by Adam Silvera (Out 10/4/22) Y’all know I liked the first one. I remember crying at work when I finished it. So when the fact that this was coming out was mentioned, I’ve been waiting on this for what feels like forever lol
- A Very Merry Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams (Out 11/01/22) Another one where if you didn’t know this was going to be on my Fall TBR, you don’t really know me.
- Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things by Maya Prasad (Out 10/18/22)I love the cover to this, so it was no question to whether or not I would read this. But then I saw the synopsis, and it also sounded good. I can’t wait to get my hands on this.
- Salt and Sugar by Rebecca Carvalho (Out 11/1/22) Y’all know I’m a foodie fiction fan! I will never turn down a book about food! And this one is a bakery, so add 100 points lmao
- Briarcliff Prep by Brianna Peppins (Out 11/15/22) Another thing about me…. If there’s a Black girl on the cover, I’m gonna read it.
- The Luminaries by Susan Dennard (Out 11/1/22) I haven’t read a book by Dennard in a long time, so when I got an ARC of this I was super shocked. I didn’t even know she was having another book release this year. But regardless, I really can’t wait to read this!
- Princess of Souls by Alexandra Christo (Out 09/27/22) Rapunzel retelling? That’s all I needed to hear.
- Eternally Yours edited by Patrice Caldwell (Out 09/20/22) I’m not a huge fan of anthologies, but sometimes they sound good enough to read. And this is one of those times lol

What about you? What did you read before you bought it? Let me know in the comments!