TTT: Top 10 Bookish Characters!

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Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Bookish Characters!

-OK so Tessa from Happily Ever Afters by Elise Bryant is number one because she is also a romance reader. And she’s the first bookish Black girl that is a romance reader that I’ve read. I’ve never related to a character the way I did with her.
-This one goes to both Augustus and January from Beach Read by Emily Henry. Y’all know this is my faveeeeeee! And all because of one scene where (in true reader fashion) there’s a smexy scene that involves a bookshelf lol
-Ridley and Jubilee from Verona Comics by Jennifer Dugan make this list, not for the “books” but for the comic books. I counted them because YES, THEY STILL COUNT AS READING!
-The Book Worm Crush by Lisa Brown Roberts where we meet Amy and Toff. And yes, I added this one only because of his name lol
-You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao because it houses one of my favorite fictional book stores! And because of the journal. I LIVE for people gifting me those. (So if you want to get me something for a later Mother’s Day gift, I like journals, composition books, and just books lol

-I couldn’t choose just one, so I picked the entire Bromance Book Club. They all have my heart. I do love Mack, but we still don’t have a book for Del and Malcolm sooooooo
-Evie from Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon is here because even though she had trouble believing in HEAs, she still read them and still acknowledged the story they took to get there. And as a reader, for me anyway, that’s all I can ask for.
-Rosie from Bookish and the Beast by Ashley Poston was super cute. I would have KILLED for that library! And that’s exactly why she made it to this list. Because I was jealous lol
-Alice from The Agathas by Liz Lawson and Kathleen Glasgow. I went back and forth about reading this. And then I went back and forth about rating it. I found out when I was about 1/2 way through that Agatha Christie was actually racist and she discriminated against my religion as well. I did not know this, but it significantly altered my enjoyment of this book. But the characters were my favorite part of the book before I found it out. I love mysteries and when I found that they were being sleuths in a murder case I was all in.
-And last but not least there’s Nora and Charlie from Book Lovers. I LOVED this book. And again, in true reader style, there was some smexy time in a library. IRL I would 1 billion percent frown on that, but in the fictional world I remember thinking in the TikTok sound “Am I attracted to this?” New kink unlocked lol

Have you read any of these? Let me know in the comments!

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