TTT: Top 10 Best Sequels EVER!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top 10  Best Sequels Ever
*These are in no particular order.

I realized as I was writing this…. Since I’ve started blogging, I haven’t finished that many series smh  

Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, #2)Shift (Shade, #2)Deity (Covenant, #3)
Chain Reaction (Perfect Chemistry, #3)Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)Dare You To (Pushing the Limits, #2)
The Evolution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #2)Insurgent (Divergent, #2)My Soul to Keep (Soul Screamers, #3)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

12 thoughts on “TTT: Top 10 Best Sequels EVER!

  1. OOh nice ones!! Loooved My Soul to Keep too! Not sure what I'd say my fave of the series was. Tend to like them all with more focus on the latest!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I loved both Scarlet and Dare You To! They're basically the top of the list beneath the ones that made the list. Haha.

  3. I love Pushing The Limits but I didn't like Dare You Too so much.. I DO hope the next book in the series will be good, though.
    I really want to read Chain Reaction!!
    Great list!! I'm a new follower via Bloglovin ๐Ÿ™‚
    Great list!! Love your blog. I'm a new follower via Bloglovin ๐Ÿ™‚

    My TTTย 

  4. It's funny. Lots of us are putting Harry Potter books on our lists, but I haven't seen any with the SAME HP book! Love Evolution, Scarlet, and Insurgent (also on lots of lists!), and I have Clockwork Princess on mine too. Great list!

    My TTT

    Mary @ Mary Had a Little Book Blog

  5. Shift!! I loved Shade and have yet to pick up this book. Great list ๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks for stopping by my TTT

  6. Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier! I really need to read The Evolution of Mara Dyer! Great list!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  7. The Evolution of Mara Dyer was amazing! I was really close to including that on my list. My Soul To Keep and Shift both sound good, too. Great picks ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Love both Scarlet and Dare You To. I only just read the first Mara Dyer, but I've seen Evolution on a couple of lists and I hope I agree. The first was fun, but I felt like she had a lot of room to grow as a writer.

  9. You and me both! There is a lot of series that I need to finish. From your list I need to read almost every book too ๐Ÿ™

    Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Wasn't such a fan of Scarlet or Dare You To. Love Goblet of Fire though, of course! ๐Ÿ™‚ I have Azkaban on my list personally though. Great list.

    My TTT:

  11. Yes yes yes to Scarlet, Dare You To, and The Evolution of Mara Dyer! Such AWESOME books.
    I still have to read the Soul Screamers series. I've read Rachel Vincent's adult series and it is SO good.
    Great list & thanks for stopping by my TTT! (:

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