TTT: Settings I’d Like to See More of!

First off, sorry for the lack of posts, but I’ve been sick with bronchitis and haven’t been doing much of anything. But I’m starting to get back in the blogging/reading spirit. Also I have a couple of reviews and posts going up that I already had scheduled before I got sick. So until I get better enjoy those and the other posts that I can manage to make up. 
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
January 22: Top Ten Settings I’d Like To See More Of (Or At All)
These are in no particular order.

1. Space: Only because there haven’t been very many. 
2. Beach- Yes I know its been done time and time again, but beachy summer romances get me EVERY time. 
3. Super Unique, Super Cool Dystopian World- Ok this is vague, but I really wish there was one. I want to read about a world that is super unique and cool. 
4. Super Unique, Super Cool Fantasy World- I don’t like fantasy that much because sometimes I feel like the world isn’t though out well enough, so I want one that will knock my socks off. 
5. Different Countries/continents- But maybe I just need to expand my horizons with this one. I’ve only read two books that are set in another country and so far I like them both. 
6. Water- What can I say? Sometimes I wish I was Poseidon’s kid. I just want to read something that has to do with water. It can be about surfing, a kissy face romance, or even mermaids, but I want to see it included more. 
7. Magical boarding schools- Not trying to be like Harry Potter, but one that’s really cool and unique.

8. Texas! – I love when I can connect with a setting because I can connect with it better. 

9. Mt. Olympus and the Underworld- If you are an old follower you know how much I LOVE Greek mythology and if I find any type of book that has anything to do with it, I will give it a try. So, even if there are a lot out now, I still want MOREEEE!

Umm I can’t really think of anymore. If I do, I’ll add them as I go along! What are some settings you’d like to see more of? 

5 thoughts on “TTT: Settings I’d Like to See More of!

  1. Haha, I'd love some more super cool, super unique worlds as well 🙂 And I think some more stories set in water worlds would be interesting as well.

  2. Good list, I'd also love to see more of space since there aren't a ton of stories about it and I'd also would love to see stories set in fantasy worlds and magical boarding schools.

  3. Great list! I have boarding schools (magical and non-magical) on my list too. I love cool fantasy and dystopian settings too. My local setting is Ohio! Have a great week!

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