TTT: Secondary/Minor Characters Who Deserve Their Own Book

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Secondary/Minor Characters Who Deserve Their Own Book

Alexis: If you’ve read the Kimberly Lemming series, you know I’m talking about the sword lol I LOVED her silly self and I really want her to get her own book. I used Mistlefoe because this is the most recent book i read by Lemming and she was just as hilarious in this one as well lol
The Old Man: I don’t want to say his name because it could be used as a spoiler to someone in the beginning of the book lol But I really want to know how this person is going around doing this lol

The Monster: I don’t remember if it had a name lol But I really wish I could have at least a novella by him. I want to know more about him and what he did in the past and what he does in the future.

The Surprise Guy: The guy with the surprise at the end has a lot of secrets. I’d love to get to talk to him about all of them.

The Mistress: I don’t what to say who because I don’t want to spoil it, but I would really like to know what was going through her head every time they did anything. I know that’s weird, but I want to know how she had absolutely no remorse.
One of the Kids: There’s a lot of them, but I’d like to know why they were doing what they were doing since nothing is really fleshed out at the end, maybe this could help.

Finn: I REALLY need to know what Finn was thinking when she told him he was terrible. Like just specifically that part. Because I don’t think embarrassed is a good enough word for what someone might feel after hearing that lmao
[SPOILER] Cherry: I need to know wtf was going through her head that made her keep her around. Because I would have been like girl wtf get on lol

Lawrence: I need to know the full extent of the bullshit he was on. Why was he ok with lying to her. And why didn’t he just say “I know what you want, but that ain’t me” Like BFFR you KNOW DAMN WELL it wasn’t you she liked.
Riptide: After re-reading all of these in prep for the new one, I really wish I knew all the things that Riptide felt or was saying during the battles it was in. And how it felt becoming a pen and stuff.

What about you? Have you read any of these? Would you want to know any of these characters? Let me know in the comments!

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