TTT: Posts I’ve Written That Give You the Best Glimpse of Me!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Book Quotes that Fill the “Teens Recognizing the Need for Social Justice theme!
This Book Won’t Burn by Samira Ahmed
There’s No Way I’d Die First by Lisa Springer
Book Blogger Hop: We Need Diverse Books! (These are older recs because this post is from 2020. I have more recent ones if you want them! )
Take Me Away Celebrates Kwanzaa!– This is the first time I celebrated Kwanzaa on my blog with book recs.
Top Ten Must have Wonder Woman Fandom Items!
READy to Talk: YOU READ?!
Top Ten Things I’ve Learned from Working in a Library!
READy to Talk: Summer Reading 2019 Reflection!
Blog Tour Stop- Hungry Hearts: Hungry Hearts: 13 Tales of Food & Love edited by Elise Chapman & Caroline Tung Richmond
Summer Reading Recs 2018: Libraries Rock! > This one is just because I have been doing this every year since. And this one is my favorite one lol
Library on the Open Sea!

Some of these are from like 2018 I think lol But I have like 11 years of these blog posts, so I’m sure I’ve missed something. Who knows what I have on this thing lol (Also, please don’t judge the formats on these because some of these were from when I first started blogging lol)

Well what do you think? Have you read any of these before? Let me know in the comments!

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One thought on “TTT: Posts I’ve Written That Give You the Best Glimpse of Me!

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her