TTT: Places Mentioned in Books That I’d Like to Visit

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Places Mentioned in Books That I’d Like to Visit!

Little White Lies (Debutantes, #1)Rayne & Delilah's Midnite Matinee
1. Little White Lies by Jennifer Lynn Barnes: The debutante ball and the jail cell lol Because let’s be honest…. This would be the perfect time for that popcorn meme

2. Rayne & Delilah’s Midnite Matinee: The set of Midnite Matinee

On the Come UpCaraval (Caraval, #1)
3. On the Come Up by Angie Thomas: I would LOVE to go to the Ring and watch her body someone. (My husband watches battle rap on the regular, so he’s actually been to something like the Ring before. Next time I’m going with him…) 
4. Caraval by Stephanie Garber:  As kooky as it sounds, I would so love to go to Caraval. It just sounds magical! 
Not If I Save You FirstChildren of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha, #1)
5. Not if I Save You First by Ally Carter: I would really like to visit Alaska…. But only inside. I don’t think I’d last outside lol 
6. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi: I would definitely go to Orïsha…. I really want a snow leoponaire and I really want to start using my powers as a Tider. 
Top ElfCinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)
7. Top Elf by Caleb Zane Huett: I would LOVE to visit the North Pole where this takes place!
8. Cinder by Marissa Meyer: New Beijing where it all started! And then of course I’d have to get to Lunar too. 
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7)Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)
9. Harry Potter series: Hogwarts. DUH. (Probably not from this particular book  lol But Hogwarts nonetheless….)
10. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: I just want to be able to attend ONE International Quidditch World Cup and I will be set for LIFE. lol 

What about you?
Would you like to visit any of these places?
Have some others that you think I might like?
Tell me in the comments! 

One thought on “TTT: Places Mentioned in Books That I’d Like to Visit

  1. Really wondering why I didn't choose Caraval myself! I guess I was trying to think of more real places and then since Caraval moves around a lot I didn't know how I could actually say I want to go there! Lol. Friday night logic sounds so reasonable at the time but on Tuesdays I always wonder what was I thinking?!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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