TTT: Most Anticipated Releases for the rest of 2015!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases for the rest of 2015!!!

We all know this list will go over 10 and I will have wayyyyyyyyyy more than just that amount on my mind. But let’s just act like it’s not cheating and let me just do this ok…… 

Dumplin'What You Left Behind
1. Dumplin by Julie Murphy: Although I own this one, I just can’t read it yet due to other obligations. But as soon as I get to Fall 2015 reads, I’M STARTING WITH THIS ONE. I NEEEEDDDDDD the diversity in this one. I’m so excited to see someone finally go there. Murphy is not afraid to let the character’s big girl SHINE! (Releases September 15, 2015!)

2. What You Left Behind by Jessica Verdi: I said a long time ago that I wanted to read a book where a baby was involved but the dude was the one who in the end was the one to take care of the child. Little did I know that there was already someone writing that story. It’s funny that I was Jessica Verdi is someone else that I look to for taboo subjects. She wrote the book that I read and loved, My Life After Now which was about a teen that contracted HIV. (Releases August 4, 2015)

Vengeance RoadA Madness So Discreet
3. Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman: I missed her first series, but this one with this super amazing cover I can’t miss out on! Plus, there’s this really cool synopsis, and I can’t wait to see how Bowman handles it. Plus, there’s a girl who has to disguise herself as a dude, and I’m super intrigued to see how bad things end up. I mean come on, those things never end well lol (Releases September 1, 2015!)

4. A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis: I have this one from Edelweiss, but it’s another one I can’t get to quite yet! It’s a thriller, historical fiction, and set in an asylum. It sounds so amazing I can’t wait to finally get to it! (Releases October 6, 2015!)

Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4)Six of Crows (The Dregs, #1)
5. Winter by Marissa Meyer: OF COURSE WE KNEW THIS WOULD END UP ON MY LIST. I’m like one of Cidner’s biggest fans! I can’t wait to read it and see how this story ends up! Plus the POC on the cover and the diversity in this series makes it unrivaled as my favorite! I can’t wait for this series ender, but at the same time, I don’t want it to end 🙁 (Releases November 10, 2015)

6. Six of Crows by Leugh Bardugo: All the characters introduced in the synopsis are what make me desperately want to read this. I really need to know who these people are and what makes them outcasts and what they pull off together. (Releases October 8, 2015!) 
Legacy of Kings (Blood of Gods and Royals, #1)Soundless
7. Legacy of Kings by Eleanor Herman: I LOVE this cover. And the fact that it’s a “re-telling” of Alexander the Great makes it better. I’ve never read anything like this and I can’t wait to read it! (Releases August 25, 2015!)

8. Soundless by Richelle Mead: The one thing I wanted from RT2015 that I didn’t get! It’s inspired by Chinese folklore and it has some fantasy elements along with an awesome cover! (POC FTW!!!) I’ve heard so many great things about this one already and I can’t wait to see if everything they’re saying is true! (Releases November 10, 2015!)

Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1)Tonight the Streets Are Ours
9. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff: I really liked These Broken Stars, but the second one, not so much… But this one sounds super cool with the way the format is written. I need to see how they piled it all together and made it into a story. I can’t wait to see how they pulled it off! (Releases October 20, 2015!)

10. Tonight the Streets Are Ours by Lelia Sales: I. WILL. READ. ANYTHING. SHE. WRITES. Her first book was soooooooo good and I waited to read that one! I will not be waiting to read this one, I will read it as soon as I get my hands on it! (Releases September 15, 2015)

Slasher Girls & Monster BoysForever with You (Wait for You, #5)
11. Slasher Girls and Monster Boys by Various Authors: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke was super good and any thing else  she thinks needs to be in the same book with her stories! (Releases August 18. 2015)
12. Forever With You by J. Lynn: This is one of my favorite series and I can’t wait to see what happens between these two! Especially since it’s between a dude who mostly does one night stands due to his past and a chick who has been around more than one character in this story already lol I can’t wait to see the things these two get into! (Releases September 29, 2015!) 
What are some of your most anticipated reads for the rest of 2015?!

2 thoughts on “TTT: Most Anticipated Releases for the rest of 2015!

  1. OOOh nice! Can't wait for A Madness to Discreet, Soundless, Six of Crows, and Slasher Girls and Monster Boys! So almost half of these! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. So many of these almost made my list especially A Madness so Discreet. 10 is just not enough to include all the great books coming out!

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