TTT: Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2019!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 …well 13 Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2019! 

The Vanishing Stair (Truly Devious, #2)On the Come Up

1. The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson: The first one was called Truly Devious and I LOVED it. And that bomb of information that dropped at the end was something that I remembered for the entire year! Now I can’t wait to get my hands on the sequel!  (Releases 1/22/2019)
2. On the Come Up by Angie Thomas: Does this one really need an explanation? After one of my favorite books EVER was written by her, it’s only right that I am excited for this one too! AND I will be meeting her at Teen Book Con in March 0_0  (Releases 2/5/2019)

Four Dead QueensOpposite of Always

3. Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte: I’ve heard NOTHING but good things about this. I think the lowest rating I’ve seen so far is a 4. But besides that, it sounds AMAZEBALLS! I actually wasn’t a fan of a book series that seems similar to this one, so I’m interested in seeing if that changes with this one. (Releases 2/26/2019)
4. Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds: I’m pretty sure this will break me, but there’s no way I can’t be excited about this. I can hear my heartbreak just reading the SYNOPSIS, so this will be interesting. (Releases 3/12/2019)

Lovely WarDescendant of the Crane

5. Lovely War by Julie Berry: I’m not usually a fan of historical fiction, but this sounds bad ass. And I also sneaked and read the prologue when I first got it and it was a bad decision. Because now I want to keep reading it. (Releases 3/5/2019)

6. Descendant of the Crane by Joan He: A murdered family member, outlawed magic, and a convicted criminal?! Sounds like all of the things I need in a book. Definitely one I can’t wait for! (Releases 4/2/2019)

Girls with Sharp SticksShuri: The Search for Black Panther

7. Girls With Sharp Sticks by Suzanne Young: Um I need to know what the big plot twist is that everyone else knows about. It sounds like it will be a doozie! (Releases 3/19/2019)
8. Shuri: The Search for Black Panther by Nnedi Okoraofor: Shuri was my favorite part of last year’s movie! I need to get my hands on a copy of this! I can already see this is going to be a new favorite graphic novel of mine! (Releases 5/7/2019)

We Hunt the FlameI Love You So Mochi

9. We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal: There’s a Prince of Death, there is a girl who disguises herself as a man to find a lost artifact to restore magic to her people. GIVE IT TO ME NOW.  (Releases 5/14/2019)
10. I Love You So Mochi by Sarah Kuhn: This is the cutest title and the cutest cover! I can’t wait to see what read it and see if the words are just as cute. Also, I’m not sure what the fascination is this year about romances that feature the love interest as a mascot, BUT I AM HERE FOR IT. It’s like setting up a meet cute immediately lolol (Releases 5/28/2019)

I Wanna Be Where You AreThe Grief Keeper

11. I Wanna be Where You Are by Kristina Forest: And no I don’t just want this because the title reminds me Part of Your World’s lyrics lol (Even though that is a definite plus!) But I’m super excited for this one because I haven’t read a fluffy, YA romance with two black leads. I don’t remember one until the ones in Black Enough. So for this to finally be a thing, this makes me extremely excited! Also, it’s blurbed by Nic Stone, someone who’s opinion I admire greatly, so I’m excited to finally get this in my hands! (Releases 6/4/2019
12. The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante: I think this is the most fascinating book I’ve heard about this year. I’m sure you knew that already since it’s ended up on most (if not all) of my most anticipated of 2019 lists! (Releases 6/11/2019)

The Devouring Gray

13. The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman: A beast haunting the woods, and there’s bodies turning up? It sounds like a mix or horror and mystery and THAT IS MY JAM!  (Also can we talk about this COVER OMGGGG) Definitely going to scare myself by reading this one! (Releases 4/2/2019

Somehow I managed to cut down my list from 20 to only 13 lol But these are FOR SURE my most anticipated! 

What are some of your most anticipated reads for the first half of 2019?!

2 thoughts on “TTT: Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2019!

  1. OOh nice! Looking forward to The Devouring Gray too! Still need to read Maureen's first book to her new series! Nice picks all around!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. Lots of ones I am excited for. Top of my list is vanishing stair for sure. Loved the first book. Also really excited for girls with sharp sticks and the divouring gray.

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