TTT: Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2022!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2022

I’ve done this list like 3 times, so I’m going to try to use some new titles lol That way I can show I’m anticipating ALL THE THINGS!

1. I have LOVED everything that Kristina Forest has written. I can’t wait to see what this one is about. Hope there’s Easter eggs from her other 2 books as well! Out 6/7/22

2. This is Emily Henry y’all. ANDDDDD it’s another one about books. And really, that’s all I needed to know. Out 5/3/22

3. Idk why I’m so obsessed with the idea of this girl finding out she’s the daughter of a serial killer, but I AM. It sounds like the worst kind of ID movie and I am so intrigued. I am PRAYING the writing style or pacing isn’t bad because I am desperate for this. Out 3/8/22

4. Another one where Idk why I’m so obsessed lol It’s literally another retelling of a story I’ve read a hundred times! But the amazing cover, the synopsis, the culture and diversity, the food (cuz y’all know I’m a foodie!), just everything. Another one I’m praying that the writing style and pacing work for me because again, I’m desperate. Out 2/1/22

5. “Orisha gods”….. I’ve seen what I needed to see. Immediately yes. lol Like legit that’s the only thing I needed to see before I added this to my TBR. Out 3/8/22

6. It had a couple of my buzz words in the synopsis, like “wedding of the season,” and I am a sucker for bookish weddings, so this was an obvious for me to add. Out 2/22/22

7. I saw what this was about, and being a woman who loves sports, and knew that this was a real bakery, I NEED THIS. Another one where I’m hoping everything just works for me because I have a desperate need! Out 6/21/22

8. I mean if you haven’t seen by now that I love getting my feels smashed to bits by Abby Jimenez, you haven’t been here long enough lol And this one supposedly has Little Mermaid bits in it and *KERMIT FLAIL* Out 4/19/22

9. I’m intrigued by the formatting. I love to see books that aren’t’ formatted like normal. Out 3/1/22

10. Ok look, I’m already a sucker for royalty, but when you add a Black character into this romance, it gets worse. And THEN, add on to the fact that this freaking synopsis sounds BOMB?! WHERE CAN I SIGN UP TO GET ONE NOW PLEASE?! Out 3/15/22

What about you? Are you anticipating any of these too? Have you make a list for your TTT? Let me know in the comments!

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