TTT: Frequently Used Words In Contemporary Romance Titles!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Frequently Used Words In Contemporary Romance Titles!
(I took this to mean what words normally describe these titles because the actual titles are all so different….) 

1. Light: It’s usually described as “light” meaning that the subject matter is light and sometimes it may mean that it’s an easy read. 

2. Fluffy: This normally means the same, that the subject matter is light and it’s an easy read. It can also mean that the romance is really cutesy and filled with troupes lol 

3. Cute: Obvs it means the romance is cute. 

4. Love: Whether insta-love or the characters going through a slow burn, the characters normally fall in love with each other. 

5. Romance/ Romantic: The characters do romantic things for each other or they experience romance in the book. 
6. Sweet: The main character’s love interest is normally super sweet. The book can be described as sweet. 

7. Secret: Alot of times the main characters have a very large secret that they are keeping from their love interest. 

8. Boyfriend/ Girlfriend: They sometimes have a girlfriend or boyfriend when they first meet the love interest or they become the boyfriend or girlfriend during the story. 

9. Unexpected: For some reason, the unexpected always happens in contemep romance books lol And it’s normally where they run into their love interest.

10. All figured/ All planned out: Another way they say “the unexpected happens.” Basically they say they all know where they’re going in life and all know what they’re doing, but then something happens. And it normally sets up the meeting with their love interest. 

What genre/age group did you use?
Did some of my words crossover to yours?

One thought on “TTT: Frequently Used Words In Contemporary Romance Titles!

  1. Ooh nice take on the topic! Great choices too!

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    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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