TTT: Freebie! -Top 10 Date Ideas I Stole From Romance Books!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Date Ideas I Stole From Romance Books!

Breweries: As y’all know, I’m a drinker. (I don’t overdo it, don’t be dramatic) So the idea of going to a brewery is so cool to me. When I saw this happen in I’m So Not Over You by Kosoko Jackson,I was a bit jealous lol There was the thought of learning so much about how to make it and also the tasting would be pretty cool too lol I think this would be fun to do. (Other books with a brewery date night is Boss Witch by Ann Aguirre and A Proposal They Can’t Refuse by Natalie Caña [this one is not necessarily a date, because they work there.])
Random Pick It Date at the Grocery Store: Living during this pandemic, I’m not sure how I haven’t done this with hubs yet. And now thinking about it, I kind of want to now lol It’s simple, can end up being a lot of laughs, and forces you to be flexible. And I think the simplicity was what made this date a perfect one for Alexis Montgomery. ( I know many of you might be thinking wtf what about the truck thing?! But hate to break it to you, but I live in Texas and the heat is insane and the mosquitos are as big as quarters and NO THANK YOU lolol)

Rented out Arcade: Me and my hubs are hella competitive and always find ourselves in places like Dave & Busters. I can’t imagine him renting out a place just because I’ve been in a blogging funk or something like he did in Intercepted by Alexa Martin.
Bookstore Scavenger Hunt: Yo, WHY WAS THERE NO BOY LIKE PRINCE AROUND WHEN I WAS YOUNG?! Bookstore Scavenger Hunts to find your favorite authors and helping you take out your braids when you’re trying everything in your power to ditch him haha This book was everything and was full of dates that I would have loved to go on!

Planetariums: Although it ended BADLY lol I still thought it was hella sweet. Kai is a definite young romantic. It would be interesting to see if he holds on to that when he grows older. But I thought the planetarium was an interesting date, and I’d love to have a picnic under the stars and to learn about some of the constellations etc.
Book Signing: Listen, I don’t even know where to start with this. Not only did he read the books because she said she liked them, but he took her to the signing after she said she didn’t want to go alone, ANDDDDD he cosplayed with her! Lordt I wish my husband would lol He won’t even go with me. He just gives me a card and a tote bag and drops me off lol

Roller skating: I don’t really know when this came back in style (did it ever really go away? Did I just age myself? lol) but it opened for a lot of cute dates when it did. I want to go, but I’m not sure if I still got it. I’d have to practice first. I’m pretty sure I’d end up like the girls in She Gets the Girl by Rachael Lipppincott and Alyson Derrick
Rooftop Movies: This seems like nothing, but being who he is in Good Morning Love by Ashley Coleman. I think it made it so much more romantic. Yeah he could have done so much more, but this was just normal enough for her not to feel like he was doing the most. And I think at that time, that’s what she needed.

Museum Scavenger Hunt: I am also competitive and I love museums. This sounded so fun when they did it in Dating Dr. Dil by Nisha Sharma. And the run in with the kids was hilarious.
Wedding: I am a sucker for fake dating and they go to a wedding. And this one was good af. Not the 5 stars that everyone was saying, but it was definitely a cute book with a cute wedding and I something more than cute after it…………

-Wine Tasting: This is an honorable mention, because it wasn’t really a date then. It was a group thing, but I don’t want to spoil anything. But overall, I thought this would make for a fun date if you like wine and want to have some fun eating and drinking like they did in The Romantic Agenda by Claire Kann.

What about you? What topic did you choose? Have you read any of these? Would you go on any of these dates? Let me know in the comments!

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