TTT- Freebie: Books I Would Pair With My Favorite TV Shows or Movies!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

-Basketball Wives and Defensive Stance by Kasha Thompson: Can y’all imagine Sloane being on this? Lordt she’d be back in anger management by the end of the first episode.


-The One That Got Away With Murder by Trish Lundy & Evil Lives Here: I’m going to leave this one with no context so I don’t further spoil anything lol

-Disappeared and The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson: Although we know she reappears, we don’t know where she’s been or what’s happened to her. During this time when they’re making the documentary about her and going over all the clues, I felt like this was an episode of Disappeared.

-The Unexplained & The Black Girl Survives in This One edited by Desiree S. Evans & Saraciea J. Fennell: I almost gave all the stories an individual one, but I think this one summed up my favorite ones quite perfectly. (Also because I don’t think there were that many stories with Black people because we are always too wtf-ish and don’t play that shit lol)

-Supernatural and Dead Girls Walking by Sami Ellis: I feel like this would be something they would come across. But again I won’t put anything into context so I don’t spoil anything!

-The Lost City and Raiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura: Did I enjoy this book? No. But I thought about this movie the entire time I listened to it. Here’s to hoping The Jewel of the Isle by Kerry Rea will better fit this so I don’t have to talk about the cringey romance in this one anymore lol I’ll let you know when I read it.

-Web of Lies and Live Your Best Lie by Jessie Weaver: I remember being so lit for this book last year! And I was so right to be! I LOVE thrillers that have a social media aspect and this one definitely had everything I wanted in a story. I can’t wait for Weaver’s newest to come out next month!

-Scooby Doo and Camp Sylvania by Julie Murphy: Not only does this book have a group of “meddling teenagers,” but there’s also a whole lot of weird shit happening and I don’t know how I couldn’t put these two together lol

-Bad Romance and Not Dead Enough by Tyffany D. Neiheiser: The person in this one was not a nice person, but they came through when it mattered most.

-Ghost Busters & Ghost Roast by Shawnee Gibbs & Shawnelle Gibbs: I don’t think you’ll need any input from me about this story.

This was harder than I thought it would be! What did you do your Freebie on? Let me know in the comments!

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One thought on “TTT- Freebie: Books I Would Pair With My Favorite TV Shows or Movies!

  1. OOh nice topic! I’d struggle with this one myself. I guess because my shows I watch wouldn’t fit any books I read! Lol. Mainly because I throw cartoons on when I blog! Lol. Nearly all my favorite shows are over too, so I’d really have to think on it. I guess it would be my shows are too similar like Supernatural, Scooby Doo are almost the same kind. But yeah…I’d definitely struggle! Lol. You did a fabulous job and I’m curious about some of these choices now! Although I did hear twice now about this cringey romance from Raiders of the Lost Heart. I hadn’t planned to read it beforehand but now I’m keeping it very far away from me! lol.

    Here’s my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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