TTT: Fictional Characters I’d Crush On!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Characters I Would Crush On If I Were Also A Fictional Character
These are in no particular order.

I seem to always use the same characters, so I’m gonna try and switch it up this time! 
Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, #2)Half-Blood (Covenant, #1)Time Between Us (Time Between Us, #1)
1. Wolf from Scarlet by Marissa Meyer– Who can resist his bad boy charm!? “But you’re the only one, Scarlet. You’ll always be the only one.” 
2. Aiden from the Covenant series– We all knew this one was going to be on there. I’m like legit Aiden’s #1 fan! “Because I love you, we share each other’s problems. When we fight, we fight together. I’m going to be by your side no matter what, whether you like it or not. That’s what love is, Alex. You never have to face anything alone again. And I get what you’re saying. I don’t agree with it, but I will support you in any way I can.”
3. Bennett from Time Between Us– He has amazing powers and he is uber sweet. His love for Anna seemed so real! “I don’t stay anywhere. I visit. I observe. I leave. I don’t ever stay.” I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with this information. Tell him to leave? Tell him to stay? But I don’t have time to consider any other alternatives, because he scoots in closer and brings his hands to my face, and I fall back into the bookcase as he kisses me with this intensity—like he wants to be here, and if he kisses me just long enough, deeply enough, none of what he just said will actually be true.” 

Shade (Shade, #1)The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #1)Anna and the French Kiss
4. Logan from the Shade series: I know, I know…. Zach is just as amazing. But for some reason I just feel like Logan loved her a little more. I felt so sorry for the way things happened with him and her. Gah, so sad! I love you, Aura,” Logan whispered. “Body or not, as long as I’m in this world, I want to be with you.” 
5. Noah Shaw from the Mara Dyer series– Yeah, there’s no way I was NOT adding him to this list. He’s my second fave book boyfriend of all time! (#3 is my first lol) “I’m not sure you can appreciate how much I want to lay you out before me and make you scream my name.” 
6. Etienne from Anna and the French Kiss– He’s the most amazing sweet person I’ve ever met in a book. He is totally swoon worthy and I can only imagine death by his crazy adorable accent. “I’m saying I’m in love with you! I’ve been in love with you this whole bleeding year!”

Perfect Chemistry (Perfect Chemistry, #1)Things I Can't Forget (Hundred Oaks, #3)Splintered (Splintered, #1)
7. Alex from Perfect Chemistry– The very first time I was introduced to the Fuentes brothers. I felt so sorry for them, but I absolutely fell in love with them as well! “I want to tell her how much she’s become the center of my being. But I can’t. The words won’t come.” 
8. Matt from Things I Can’t Forget– He was a reader, he was uber sweet, and he was a male reader that liked John Green lol Can’t get any better than that. “So what does Just Tacos have to do with kissing?” “Besides the fact I absolutely love both?” he asks.” 
9. Jeb from Splintered– He just sounded so hot to me lol Emo swoop, motorcycle, and lip piercing?! I was sold lol “I was afraid of…” “Go on…” I press. “Of unloading my baggage on someone as sweet as you.”I can’t keep the smile off my lips. “Oh, wow.” “What?” “I guess we’re both oblivious. That’s the same reason I kept running from my feelings for you.” “Because I’m sweet?” That dimpled, boyish grin flashed over his face.”  

If I Stay (If I Stay #1)
10. Adam from If I Stay– He loves music and he is si super in love with Mia. I just couldn’t help falling for him!If you stay, I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll quit the band, go with you to New York. But if you need me to go away, I’ll do that, too. I was talking to Liz and she said maybe coming back to your old life would be too painful, that maybe it’d be easier for you to erase us. And that would suck, but I’d do it. I can lose you like that if I don’t lose you today. I’ll let you go. If you stay.”

So there was no way I was only picking 10…. So here’s my 

1. Jacob Black from the Twilight series– I don’t care what any of you say! Especially you fake fans that are Team Edward and then became Team Jacob when Lautner was cast for the movie, but I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Jacob. I LOVE him because he wasn’t the goody goody that Edward was. He wasn’t afraid to say whatever he wanted, and let’s be honest…. he didn’t sparkle. “I’m gonna fight for you, until your heart stops beating.” 

2. Tucker from the Unearthly series– Cowboy… With blue eyes….. And outdoorsman muscles… Ummmm yeah who wouldn’t like someone like him?! “Tucker: “But she gave me the perfect gift.” Clara: “What?” Tucker: “You.” 

3. Luis from Chain Reaction– He was my favorite from the series. He took a lesson from his brother’s books and grew up and for that reason he held the spot in my heart as #1. “We deserve each other, Luis … and I need you just as much as you need me. Hold me.” He steps closer, but hesitates. “If I do, mi chava, I can’t promise I’ll be able to let you go.”

4. Carlos from Rules of Attraction– I hated Carlos in the beginning. He seemed even worse than Alex! (And that’s saying something!) But in the end he grew on me and I absolutely loved him! “Tonight was . . . well, it was perfect for me, too. You’ve turned my world upside down. I’ve fallen in love with you, chica, and it scares the fuckin’ shit outta me. I’ve been shakin’ all night, because I knew it. I’ve tried to deny it, to make you think I wanted you as a fake girlfriend, but that was a lie.” “I love you, Kiara,” he says before his lips move forward and meet mine.

5. Noah from Pushing the Limits– Dude, he wasn’t really bad, he just had a chip on his shoulder. And for good reason too. “Her eyes met mine again. “So what does this mean for us?” I lowered my forehead to hers. “It means you’re mine.” 

6. Will Herondale from the Infernal Devices series-Another bad boy I fell for. But his actions were legit too. “He bent to put his cheek against hers. His breath against her ear made her shudder with each deliberately spoken word. “I have wanted to do this,” he said, “every moment of every hour of every day that I have been with you since the day I met you.” 

10 thoughts on “TTT: Fictional Characters I’d Crush On!

  1. I love some of these boys too, especially Will, Ada, Tucker, and the Noahs. I love how you say you're a real Jacob fan as apposed to the movie Jacob fans. LOL Great picks!

  2. Wooo for honorable mentions! But really. Who can pick ten?! You've got alot of books on here that are on my TBR list and I just haven't gotten to yet! But I'm always happy to see another Tucker fan. I didn't care for Christian at all. And Will. Oh, sweet Will. I can't bring myself to read CP2. I did like Logan, but I put Zach on my list. Primarily because of that last book. Sigh.

    My TTT

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  3. I love Adam and Tucker. I really want to read Anna and the French Kiss. Great list!

  4. I have to admit, I ALMOST put Jacob Black on my list. Unfortunately, Seth from the Covenant series kicked his booty off. XD

  5. You even have quotes!! LOVE all of these ones that I've read. I have Time Between Us on my shelf and I really want to read it now. I also want to read Splintered, so glad a character from there made this list too.

  6. Ah, you're a Jeb fan. I so want her to end up with Morpheus! He's just so mysterious and I love it! I really need to read Perfect Chemistry, especially because that cover!


    Thanks for stopping by my TT!

  7. Etienne is def swoontastic! Alex is my favorite Fuentes brother! Team Edward! AND I was always Team Jem but developed a giant crush on Will by Clockwork Princess.

  8. Of course I love Etienne, and MMMMM, the Fuentes boys! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Fantastic series! Thanks for sharing and stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  9. It's so hard to choose!! I almost picked Jeb because of his style, but I like Morpheus just a little bit more 😉 Etienne and Noah from Pushing the Limits are also among my favorites 🙂 And the Noah from Mara Dyer keeps popping up everywhere today! I really need to get that book…

    Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Wow, that's an amazing list! Love Alex, Etienne, Noah and Tucker too. So many characters to choose from in YA, right?

    Thanks for stopping by!

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