TTT: Fave Characters in the Paranormal Genre

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Favorites from “X” Genre
I chose the Paranormal Genre. 
These are in no particular order.

This week I tried to choose some characters and books that were different from usual because I know I pick a lot of the sameeee books all the time. 

Twilight (Twilight, #1)Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1)My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers, #1)
1. Alice from the Twilight Saga: She was so quirky and so smart. I wished Bella was more like her. 

2. Sophie from the Hex Hall series: I LOVED her sarcasm! It reminds me so much of me! (Which reminds me, I NEED to finish this series smh)

3. Todd from the Soul Screamers series: Dude, he’s a reaper and a pizza boy. How can he NOT be your favorite?!

Shade (Shade, #1)Time Between UsThe Dead and Buried
4. Logan from the Shade series: He was so passionate about his music and it was obvious how much he loved Aura. 

5. Bennett from Time Between Us: Dude, he can time travel…. Nuff said lol 

6. Jade from The Dead and Buried: I loved learning about her jewelry collection! I’d love to know more about it. 

City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)Sweet Evil (The Sweet Trilogy, #1)Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)
7. Magnus Bane from The Mortal Instruments/The Internal Devices: He’s a hot warlock…. I mean what else is there? 

8. Kaidan Rowe from the Sweet Evil series: Plays the drums, has a BRITISH accent, and he’s the son of the Duke of Lust. Can you say HOT?!

9. Anna from the Anna Dressed in Blood series: She was such a nice “Person” until you pissed her off. She kind of reminded me of me… Besides the whole dead thing lol 

Obsidian (Lux, #1)
10. Katy from the Lux series: Come on, she’s a book blogger! And her boyfriend is Dameon, the hottest alien around! 

So, what’s your favorite genre and who are some of your favorite characters? 
Leave a link to your TTT list and I’ll be sure to visit! 

8 thoughts on “TTT: Fave Characters in the Paranormal Genre

  1. I loved Sophie and her sarcastic humor! And Magnus was also great πŸ™‚


  2. Alice, Kade, and Katy are all great characters!!! πŸ™‚ Great list!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    New follower πŸ™‚


  3. Alice, Katy, and Bennett are all pretty awesome! I'm so relieved you didn't say "Bella." LOL. I like that you chose paranormal. It's a favorite category of mine!

    My Top Ten

  4. aww alice from twilight is a great pick. an over looked character but so awesome! thanks for checking out my TTT! – Katie @ Inkk

  5. I never did like Twilight but Alice is definitely an awesome character

    Check out my TTT @ I Heart Romance

  6. Ah! LOVE your list! I can't believe I forgot Magnus! I do love him so much. I'm just reading The Infernal Devices now, and he's made an appearance–it was super.
    I cannot wait to read the Shade books. I've heard so many amazing things about them! I have the first one, but haven't read it yet. Soon! Well, this year, at least.
    And I love that we both had Sophie on our lists. She really is awesome. πŸ™‚

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