TTT: Characters Whose Job I Wish I Had!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Characters Whose Job I Wish I Had!

-The dad from Bookish and the Beast by Ashley Poston: He’s a librarian. And as I’m one too, I think he’s a safe bet lol
-Henri from Charming as a Verb by Ben Philippe: He’s a dog walker! And although it’s not as honest as it should be, it still sounds like a super cool profession. And you get to be around the cutest dogs all the time!

-The Mom from Admission by Julie Buxbaum: Let’s be clear, I will ONLY be taking her job. Not the way she used her privilege or anything else lol
-The dad from Love and Olives by Jenna Evans Welch: I meannnnn he works in Greece trying to find the lost city of Atlantis. If Greece isn’t enough, the fact that he works trying to find this really cool place should make all the difference.

-The two teens and the other agents from None Shall Sleep by Ellie Marney: I always wanted to be an FBI agent after watching Criminal Minds. And this book was about as close as I’d make it lol
-A nanny like Ana in I Killed Zoe Spanos by Kit Frick: The town where this one is set sounds beautiful, so I would love to stay there. And being a nanny/baby-sitter is hella fun! (Well if you have a good kid)

-January from Beach Read by Emily Henry: I’m not really a person who wants to be an author, but in this situation, as a reader of romance, I can’t imagine not saying I wanted to be a romance author.
-Daphne from Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner: As a blogger and Instagrammer, this isn’t too big a difference for me. Except for the fact that I am no where near as close to being as big in the Influencer world as she is lol

-Jubilee from Verona Comics by Jennifer Dugan: Working anywhere with books seems like the place to be. And this one is a comic book shop, so it’s a little different, but cool all the same.
-Pepper or Jack from Tweet Cute by Emma Lord: Being a person who handles the social media for a restaurant can be cool. It makes me think of those weird Wendy’s memes where they’re roasting everyone. I can’t help but think I would try doing that too lol

What about you? Have you read any of these? Do you wish to have any of these jobs? Let me know in the comments!

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