TTT: Characters that Remind me of Myself!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Characters that Remind me of myself: 

In Honor
1. Charli from On the Fence by Kasie West: Charli really reminded me of myself because she’s such a tomboy! I saw a lot of myself in the things she did and her actions. It was also weird with me having my first crush and boyfriend too! 
2. Honor from In Honor by Jessi Kirby: People gave her a lot of crap about her name and I can relate. My real name is something that people used to talk about all the time and to this day I go by a nickname that stems from my middle name. 
The Summer I Became a Nerd
3. Maddie from The Summer I Became a Nerd: She’s an epic nerd and I am too! I loved this coming of age novel and I was really excited to see something that fit so close to my personality in a book lol 
4. Starr from The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas: This one was  a no brainer. I went to a school where I was the one of the only people of color and there were jokes and fights between friends and so much more. Definitely something I could relate to.

5. Samantha from Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone: Like Samantha I have “Pure O” or purely Obsessive OCD. I saw ALOT of myself as a teen in her and I also felt like I still do some of the same things now lol 

6. Diana from Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo: I would hope that anyone that thinks of me and a book that reminds them of me would think of this book. If you don’t know, I’m obsessed with anything Wonder Woman and have been for years. I once saved an empty Dr. Pepper can because it was promoting the movie and it had her on it. I don’t think I’ll ever be as cool as she is, but I can definitely try lol

7. Charlie from Save the Date by Morgan Matson: She went through so many things, including trying to make sure she stayed on top of things for the wedding and it just reminded me of me during my own wedding. Things went crazy, and at times it felt a bit like hers. I remember reading it only a year after my own and comparing all the mishaps to my own as well lol 
8.  Scarlet from Scarlet by Marissa Meyer: I loved her! She felt so much like me. Rough and tough, just like me! And I have to admit, reading this made me also realize how stubborn I was because I thought of some of the same things she did. But if you ask me this later, I will never admit to it lolol 
Small Town Hearts
9. Sydney from Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen: In this novel Sydney’s brother, Peyton, is the one getting all the attention because of his mess ups. He’s been in trouble, not only with them, but also with the law. And this causes their parent’s focus to be mostly on him. I kind of felt this way as a kid too because of my siblings. My mom always says its because I’m the one that needed the least help, but it was still would have been nice to feel more “seen.”

10. Babe from Small Town Hearts by Lillie Vale: I thought long and hard about putting this one on here because really the only thing that reminded me of myself in this one was the setting. It reminded me so much of my home town and I was happy that I got to experience this little part of it through this book.  (I also felt I was a little like her because at one point when I was a teen I was questioning, so this was a little like me?) 

What about you?
This was a great topic and I’m super interested in learning more about you all, so don’t forget to drop your links!
I’d love to come by and visit yours!

One thought on “TTT: Characters that Remind me of Myself!

  1. OOh nice picks! I loved Scarlet too, but I think Cress was the overall winner for me! Scarlet was second, first before I met Cress too! Lol! And I pretty much associate you with Wonder Woman! Every time I see something Wonder Woman related at the story, I wonder if Nikki needs/has this? Lol!

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    Have a GREAT day!

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