TTT: Books to Pull Me Out of a Reading Slump!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books to Pull Me Out of a Reading Slump!

I’m going to give you the genres/topics I normally read to get me out of my slumps because I rarely re-read anything. (I know, so bad right! I think the last thing I re-read all the way through was Harry Potter, right before the 7th book came out.)

1. Thrillers: No matter what age group, I know I can always lose myself in a thriller. As of late it’s been mostly adult thrillers that I’ve been reading and loving, but as long as there is an interesting premise, it doesn’t really matter. 

 2. Romance: What can I say, I love LOVE. And I love seeing the journey of people falling in love. This also doesn’t matter which age group. As long as it’s someone falling in love, I’ll take it. 

3. Anything that’s LOL worthy: I just recently read a couple books by Tara Sivec that I don’t think I ever would have read on my own. But I read the first chapter and laughed almost every word and it got me hooked. I am a sucker for all things funny. 

4. Graphic Novels/ Comics: For the most part, I read these when I’m in between books, but sometimes I may read something that was really heavy or just felt really long and this is where these come in handy. They’re quick reads and some of them are really awesome! And let’s be honest, if its a Wonder Woman one, I’m sure to read it more than once! 

5. Mysteries: I thought this might pair well with the part on thrillers, but these can sometimes be their own genre. I love these because they help me think not only about the story, but at the mystery to be solved. I like to try to guess it before the characters do.
6. Realistic Fiction: This has gotten to be my favorite genre. For the longest time I was ONLY reading paranormal romance, but that got tedious, so I decided to branch out. And because of that, I tried one coming of age contemp and I fell in love. It’s just sort of cool that the characters get to enjoy everyday things that I can do as well. 

7. Horror: Anything that can get my heart racing I’m here for. I don’t read a lot of horror, but when I do find one, I tend to always put it on top of my TBR pile. 

8. MG/ NA: I might also find myself just needing a break from YA since I read so much of it all the time. (There’s only so much I can take lol) So I sometimes go to another age category and try my luck there. I usually wait until there’s something that I really want to read and knock it out in a day or two to “cleanse my palate.” 

9. Anything with some type of diverse character: It doesn’t matter to me what the premise is, I just want to read them all. I love learning about new people and their customs and cultures. And having the career I do, I love when people can come up to me and ask me for help finding a book with someone like them. Best feeling in the world when they can leave there with something you’ve suggested. 

10. Anything related to Music or Food: I know alot of you are like “Whaaaaa?” but hear me out. I like music and I like food lol If I can find a book about either one of those topics, I WILL READ IT. For instance, The Way you Make Me Feel by Maurene Goo is one of those ones that had me looking up recipes because it all sounded good. I wrote down some of the foods to remember them for later. 

What about you? 
What topics put you back in the mood to read?!

One thought on “TTT: Books to Pull Me Out of a Reading Slump!

  1. Nice topic picks! I find I really don't hit reading slumps since I've chosen 300+ books I really want to read but just don't have time for yet! Gotta take it one book at a time! Lol!

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