Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books I Wish Santa Would Bring Me
I will do a most anticipated for next year sometime next week, so I won’t post them here. Here’s some books I want that haven’t been written but I desperately want….

- A Poseidon re-telling and love story: Look I don’t care who you use for it, but living near the water most of my life has made me always love Poseidon and his kingdom. I would love to learn more and see more about him. And yes I know there are some out there…. But there are none that have held my attention so I won’t even mention them.

- A romance between the person who caught the bouquet and the person who caught the garter at a wedding. They have their first dance, and then have a one night stand. And then they end up together by the end of the book. (Just to clarify I’ve been asking for this for a very long time lol)

- A 2022 version of Waiting to Exhale with millennials lol (If you’ve seen the movie, I’m DYING to see Bernadette’s iconic scene updated!)

- More holiday romances. And I mean for holidays other than Christmas. Like this one by Danielle Allen. This one was for Halloween and I LOVED it. It definitely made me get all her back log. I have Sweatpants Season waiting on my Kindle because that cover? Too good to pass up lol

- I know they exist, but I haven’t found one I liked as much as this one. I have one on my Kindle that I hope will be good, but I need more age gap, silver fox reccs!

- More books about transracial adoption. Or just adoption period. After trying to find more books for National Adoption Month I realized that there was a need for more.

- Literally any thriller that comes out next year. I haven’t read too many this year and that hurts. It’s still one of my favorite genres.

- Literally any rom com that you can find. I will read them all.

- An retelling of Titanic. But make it steamy and make it a book.

- All these new illustrated covers are my jam. Every time I see another I instantly have hearts in my eyes! I would give anything to read as many of them as I can!

What about you? Did you do a most anticipated list? Or did you make something different like me? Do you agree with some of the things I added? Let me know in the comments!
Oh nice twist! I don’t think I ever stopped to think of a certain kind of book that I want. Usually just happy with what’s on my TBR pile! Lol! The Titanic retelling would be interesting! I read one by Claudia Gray years ago that involved werewolves, so it was right up my alley! Lol!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂