TTT: Books I Want Santa to bring me!

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Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 
This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Books I Want Santa to bring me!

The Unreleased Ones

Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas: I think this one is going to make it to all my lists until it’s released and I have it in my hands.
Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson: I LOVED the first book, so I can’t wait for this one. I have a feeling it’ll be just as good as the first!
Game Changer by Neal Shusterman: I’m thinking this is addressing concussions in sports, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen that in a YA book, so I’m excited to see where this one goes.
Once Upon a Quinceañera by Monica Gomez-Hira: All I needed to hear was “Own Voices Rom-Com” and I was all over it. I CANNOT wait for this one. (There are so many Own voices Rom Coms coming out next year, and I am here for them all. This one, A Pho Love Story, and more!)
Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry by Joya Goffney: The main character in this one sounds like me. She makes lists and keeps a journal and freaks out because it goes missing. The only thing I’m worried about is the enemies to lover arc. I’m not a huge fan of that troupe, so I’m kind of worried about that, but overall it sounds amazing.

The Released Ones

Early Departures by Jason A. Reynolds: This one was so good! I cried more than I thought I would. I didn’t read this until recently, so I haven’t bought it either. I need Santa to bring this one to my house. Or at least a gift card so I can get it.
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas: Another one where I read it just recently and I didn’t buy it because I just hadn’t gotten to it yet. Again, Santa bring this to my house!
All American Boys by Jason Reynolds & Brendan Kiely: Same as before. Except with this one I’m years too late. This book was written in 2015 and I just read it in 2020. Again, since I read it so late, I didn’t buy it right away.
Running by Natalia Sylvester: I had been waiting on this book for SO LONG. And I finally got my hands on it. And I really liked it. And I didn’t buy this one because I couldn’t afford to at the time, but I need to go grab it now!
Throw Like a Girl by Sarah Henning: I was a little iffy about this one because I DNF’ed her first series, so I waited until I could either get my ARC from my teens or check it out from my library to see if I would like it. And I actually gave this one 5 stars. I just never got around to buying it, so I need Santa to bring it to me lol

What about you? Would you want Santa to bring you any of these? Has he already brought you any of them? Let me know in the comments!

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