TTT: Books I Randomly Grabbed From my Shelf

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Books I Randomly Grabbed From my Shelf

These are actually the books on my TBR that I got from TLA!

This Delicious Death is horror and music and a sapphic romance. YESSSSSSSSSS

Zhara was pitched to me as Cinder + Sailor Moon and OMGGGG WHUT?!

Forever is Now deals with mental health, is a novel in verse, LGBTQ+ centered, and is by an author fave of mine!

Grounded sounds cool because I just flew to Austin for TLA. This one is about planes being grounded and some kids running across the airport while they wait for their flight. There’s Muslim rep and it’s by some author faves!

Swarm is about huge creepy butterflies. I don’t need to say anything more about that.

You’re Not Supposed to Die Tonight is summer camp horror goodness. I don’t really need to read it to know I love it. I loved all things with this aesthetic. And of course, this is ALSO by an author favorite!

True Love Experiment is a Christina Lauren…. Enough said.

Drowning is probably not the best thing to read when I’m going out of town via plane in July, but here we are. Guess I need to read it ASAP

Curlfriends is basically like Black girl Joy and man this sounds and looks amazing! <3

The Dark Place has a cover that makes me not even care what its about, just that I need to read it. And again, another author favorite!

What about you? Have you added these to your TBR? Will you add them now? Let me know in the comments!

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