Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
Books Guaranteed to Put a Smile on Your Face

–Friends to Lovers: I can’t stand enemies to lovers, but I am a HUGE fan of friends to lovers. Just seeing the transition of them go from friends to lovers always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

-Rom Coms: LOVEEEEEEE them! And I will give them all a try no matter what.
-Illustrated Books: #2 on this list made me think of this one. They are NOT mutually exclusive, but when they are put together, I’m more likely to love the book!

-Food: I am a sucker for fictional foodies lol I like to try recipes if I find them and I like the book.

-Meet Cutes: They are my favorites! And one of the books I’m reading has one!

-Inclusivity: When its inclusive. In any way. It will ALWAYS make me pick up a book too.

– Multiple POV books: Especially when they’re romance books. I love seeing the both of them fall for each other.
-Books with short chapters: I love how I easily fly through them. Especially now that I read so slow because of distractions such as TikTok and Noah lol

-When its by an auto buy author: Anytime I find out they’re releasing another book I smile and immediately want to have it in my hands lol

-Thrillers: They’re my second favorite genre, so the weirder the better. And I couldn’t be any happier.
What about you? Do you see anything on my list that’s also on yours? Let me know in the comments!

OOh nice topics!! Didn’t think of doing types of books for this one! Nice twist!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂