TTT: Books At The Top Of My Summer TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books at the Top of my Summer TBR List
*These are in no particular order.

Alot of the books on my TBR pile are those with romances… Some of them are out, some of them came out awhile ago, and some of them don’t come out until the fall that I have the pleasure to review. Here’s what I’m looking forward to reading this summer:
The Clockwork Scarab (Stoker & Holmes, #1)Time After Time (Time Between Us, #2)Of Triton (Of Poseidon, #2)
1. The Clockwork Scarab by Colleen Gleason : “An unlikely pair, the fierce Evaline Stoker and logical Mina Holmes must follow in the footsteps of their infamous families—Miss Holmes has inherited her Uncle Sherlock’s keen investigative skills, while Miss Stoker has accepted her family calling as a hunter of the undead.” THAT my dears was in the synopsis… Of course I’m looking forward to this one! 
2. Time After Time by Tamara Ireland Stone: If you know me, you will know that I adored Bennett Time Between Us and I wanted nothing more than a story from Bennett’s POV. I actually begged for one. And then when Stone said it was indeed happening and I got accepted on Netgalley to review it, my life pretty much exploded lol 
3. Of Triton by Anna Banks: The cliff-hanger in Of Poseidon had me on pins and needles. It’s taking all of me not break down and read it now, but I have review books to get through first. 

In HonorWild AwakeBorn Of Illusion (Born of Illusion, #1)
4. In Honor and Moonglass by Jessi Kirby: After reading Golden by Kirby, I’m ready to read any and everything by her. And I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about In Honor so I’m really looking forward to it. 
5. Wild Awake by Hilary T. Smith: “Both exhilarating and wrenching, Hilary T. Smith’s debut novel captures the messy glory of being alive, as seventeen-year-old Kiri Byrd discovers love, loss, chaos, and murder woven into a summer of music, madness, piercing heartbreak, and intoxicating joy.” And on top of that… The cover is gorgeus. 
6. Born of Illusion by Teri Brown: Magic, love, and the 1920’s? Yes please! I put it off after looking at seeing some people rate it 2 or 3 stars, but I’m ready to be the judge now! 

FangirlReal (Real, Raw & Ripped, #1)Tumble & Fall
7. FanGirl by Rainbow Rowell: I read and loved Eleanor and Park so I’m ready to anything that has Rowell’s name on it! And plus, how can I resist a book that is halfway telling my life with the fictional crushes and fan girling?!
8. Real by Katy Evans: I have been craving some swoony times and I’ve heard this book boy *ahem* book has the perfect scenes for it. Plus the main character is a boxer, so in my head I’ve thought up a flawless physique for him lol 
9. Tumble and Fall by Alexandra Coutts: “The world is living in the shadow of oncoming disaster. An asteroid is set to strike the earth in just one week’s time; catastrophe is unavoidable. The question isn’t how to save the world—the question is, what to do with the time that’s left?” Ok, this has nothing to do with this book, but obviously after reading Golden I couldn’t let go. This seems to be along the same lines of that book, “what do you plan on doing with [the rest of] your one wild and precious life?”
Nantucket Blue
10. Nantucket Blue by Leila Howland: I’ve put this off so long because I knew from the cover it would be the perfect summer read. A very cute couple, sand, and blue water. I can’t wait to dive into it. 

13 thoughts on “TTT: Books At The Top Of My Summer TBR List

  1. Wild Awake and Born of Illusion sound really good. I might try to read Of Triton too. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Great top ten! Of Triton is on my TBR list too:)

    My TTT:

  3. I put Time Between Us on my list! I've finally going to dive into it, after all this time. Tumble & Fall almost made my list but hopefully I'll sneak the read in. Enjoy your summer books! 🙂

    My Top Ten

  4. The Clockwork Scarab sounds like quite the combination of characters! Enjoy your reads this summer!

  5. After Golden I also need In Honor and Moonglass! I've heard they're both awesome! Too bad my libraries don't have either. Hmph. I wanted Tumble & Fall so badly, and was heartbroken when I didn't get it! I loved Real!!! Remy is just… SIGH. And I hope you like Born of Illusion more than I did! Sadly, it wasn't for me. Great list Nikki!

    My TTT

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  6. I'm reading Nantucket Blue right now. It is the epitome of a summer read for sure!

    My TTT List

  7. I haven't read Eleanor & Park yet but I really want to! All her books sound so cute, so I must get through them this year. Great list!

  8. The Clockwork Scarab sounds really interesting – the idea of Miss Holmes & Stoker teaming up is awesome!

    Everyone seems to be loving Wild Awake, so I hope you do too!

    Born of Illusion was a good read, and I'm looking forward to book 2!!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT list!

  9. Great list! I can´t wait to read Time After Time And Fangirl.
    Thanks for stopping by My Top 10 Tuesday

  10. Born of Illusion is one I hope to read later this year. Have a great Summer of reading!
    Here is my Tuesday Post.

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