TTT: Bookish Things I’m Thankful for!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Bookish Things I’m Thankful for!

 Image result for libby books
1. Libby/ Overdrive: I LOVE being able to listen to my books on the go. Especially when I’m somewhere that I don’t want people to talk to me. Like at the grocery store lmao 
2. An understanding hubs: I don’t know another guy who’d be more patient with me. With all the books I bring home, all the stupid YA references that he doesn’t get, and the endless telling him about the books I’ve read or want to read…. He doesn’t even bat an eye. And then he buys me shirts like this for us to wear on Valentine’s Day lol He’s definitely a Keeper and I’m glad he’s mine! 
3. Bookish Friends:  They are the ones who keep me and this blog going. I’ve noticed that there aren’t too many bloggers out there anymore (They’ve turned into vloggers and Bookstagrammers) and when I was in school I was almost one of the people who quit as well. But my bookish friends stopped me. I love being able to connect with them at a moment’s notice. And text them to find out what type of drama I should avoid and those I have to see to believe. And of course, to share all the books. 
4. Super sweet authors who don’t judge me: I totes fangirled when I met Elizabeth Acevedo and could barely speak. And as you all know, the very first time I met Tomi I was in tears and my nose was pink. I am so thankful they don’t judge me and look at me like I’m weird. 

5. My job: I am so blessed to be able to do what I love for a living. And dressing up in costumes and the sort is just icing on the cake. I love to be able to do silly things like this and call it a job.
6. More characters that look like me: The number of diverse books is growing and I’m so thankful that there are so many more characters that look like me now. 
Twilight (Twilight, #1)
7. Twilight: I know this is weird, but I am thankful for this book. This is the book that got me into reading YA. Before this I was only reading adult books. This one helped me find my “calling.” 
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8. Goodreads: I use this site at least once a day. For EVERYTHING. This website has helped with everything I do for my blog and I will continue to keep using it. All the time!
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9. My bookish journal: I love keeping track of my reading like this now! It helps with my creative side but I also don’t have to constantly update it like I had to with a bullet journal. (This photo is not mine!)
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10. My blog: I have had this blog for about 8 years now and I can’t see myself without it. The rest of the world may be going one way, but I like being able to stay with my roots and try learning all different things instead of just using the one! 
What about you?
What bookish things are you thankful for?

2 thoughts on “TTT: Bookish Things I’m Thankful for!

  1. Great things Nikki! And omg that picture! It feels like it was eons ago instead of 2 and half years! Lol! I agree about a lot of these things as well!

    Oh nice! I honestly could not think of any book that took place over this holiday! Holidays don't really come up in my reads apparently! Lol!

    Here's my Tuesday PostGREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. Just realized I copied part of the comment from my first blog visit instead of just my link. Ignore that bit! ;P

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her