TTT: Bookish Superpowers I Wish I Had!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

  1. I wish I could remember more than just the cover!: Usually when someone asks I can remember what’s on the cover, but not the title or author smh lol I’d like to be able to remember more than that

2. Remembering the book once I’ve finished it: Listen we all struggle with this. But this is why I write my reviews right away. Because I don’t want to forget anything. I want to make sure everything stays fresh in my mind.

3. To Sense when a Spoiler is coming and scroll away from it!: I got spoiled for the end of the Hunger Games because someone put it on the internet. It made me refuse to read the last book for a long time. I think it was years later when I finally picked it up.

4. The power to prevent my book mail from going missing: There’s been many a time when my stuff has gone, and I wish I could just prevent it from happening.

5. The power to not get scared: I read a lot of horror and a lot of weird ish lol I do like to be scared, but I would also like to read until I fall asleep without worrying about wth is wrong with me for reading about cannibals before I go to bed. (Looking at you Holly by Stephen King lol)

6. Having the power to keep up to date on all my tracking devices lol: Another thing where I know this is a me thing, but I’m so tired of doing it. But I also love doing it? Idk lol I need to find a good balance.

7. Having the power to stay up all night and read and not be tired in the morning: I sometimes wish I could do away with sleep lol When I find a new book I’m INVESTED, and sleep is so inconvenient lol

8. Fly: Why is this bookish you ask? I don’t have any bookish friends by me. Even those in the same city as me are really far from me. So I would like to use my power to fly to some bookish friends

9. To read and review in a timely manner: A lot of times if I forget its because my brain has forgotten that I have to review it lol So I forget. I’d love to be able to remember it.

10. To read more than one book at a time: I don’t mean read one her and then read another one later. I would say read them both at the same time. Listen to one on audio and then read one with my eyeballs. I would read so many freaking books that way lol

What about you? Would you have any of these powers? Let me know in the comments!

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One thought on “TTT: Bookish Superpowers I Wish I Had!

  1. OOh nice! I wanted some of these powers too. I should’ve picked flying, I used teleportation instead for book signings! Lol. Being able to go without sleep is one I’ve been wanting for years too! Memory is another issue and I wish I could always remember every book I read! Great superpowers picks!

    Here’s my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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