TTT: Bookish People I’d like to Meet- Characters!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.  This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Bookish People I’d like to Meet- Characters!

Anyone that has a Coming Out Party just seems cool. So heck yeah I’d like to meet Mahalia IRL. Then there’s also Mama Letty. She’s seen some things and I KNOW she would have some stories. I wish I could have heard them all. Phoebe from Love in the Time of Serial Killers just seems like someone who would be my friend. True Crime and all, she sounds a lot like me. Poppy sounds interesting, but I really want to meet her parents. I think this would be something Phoebe would be interested in lol This is True Crime in real life. Pip from A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder because again, anyone that’s interested in True Crime sounds like me. We could definitely be friends.

Hazel just screams Bad Azz! She’s a female doctor and she doesn’t mind being the only one. And she also doesn’t care what anyone else says. She gives the best diagnosis. With them being in the business of granting wishes, the journalist in me is intrigued. I want to know all about how they pick them and why they decided to keep the business going and how they feel about gentrification. Lilly is an easy one. I think she would be an easy one to be friends with. But I really want to know how it feels to date her favorite author. Because wow lol Daisy. Because I am still me, I would love to meet Daisy. I need to know more about how she realized she could talk to dead people. And what that meant for her when things got crazy. And lastly, can I just say I want to meet the entire Davenport family. Like all of them. The dad, the mom, the sisters, the brother, all of them.

What about you? Have you read any of these? Have you met any of these characters? Will you? Let me know in the comments!

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