Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
TTT: Bookish Goals for 2025
–My goal this year is to read 300 books: I hit 283 last year, so I want to challenge myself again, but on my Goodreads I only put 280 because my reading journal only has space for 279 lol
–Cross Posting reviews!: I say this every year and still get no better lol
–Read my ARCs earlier: I’m actually doing pretty solid with this one so far. The books might not have been reviewed by the date of publication, but most of them have been read that’s still loads better than just writing them for my blog and then forgetting about them.
Clean Up my Netgalley Average: This goes hand in hand with cross posting. I’m doing better. My average has gone one point higher than it was 2 months ago, so I’m making progress.
Keep track of each individual identity in my reading spreadsheet: I am also doing better here. I’ve started basically designating Sundays as my book journal/spreadsheet day. (Really Saturday night into the wee morning but still)
In that same vein, I want to help people realize that the key to reading diversely is being intentional about your reading: At work I make these book recommendations for staff that they can share to their social media that have different aspects of diversity in them. I hope to continue doing this to keep spreading the word of diverse books.
–Continue to make and grow Two for Tuesday: This has become some of my most successful posts. And many people actually come to my blog just to read those posts. And that to me is just crazy. But also so humbling. With TT possibly going away, I might be putting the video form on Insta. (Maybe…. I’m not a huge fan of talking on videos if you can’t tell. So this has taken forever for me to get up the nerve.
–Make my Two for Tuesday posts into video form: Idk what I’m scared of actually lol Maybe I can do like the Canva pic and then the video version after it. Idk I hate my squeaky voice, that’s why my Journalism degree is for things behind the camera.
-Interact more: Another thing I say all the time. But I did venture out a tiny bit last year and made it into this buddy read group that have now become some of my besties. I need to do more things like this. I’ve been to myself all these years trying to make sure I have all the things I need to keep this blog going. But I want to make more friends with people. But also from a distance lol
-Read Outside my Comfort Zone: Last year I read horror, romance, and thrillers the whole year. This year I want to open myself up to all genres like I said I would lol

What about you? What goals do you have? Do we have any of the same? Let me know in the comments!
Ooh nice set of goals! And wow I am in awe of your 200+ reading goals! I know audiobooks help a lot in that scheme. I remember those early days when I just hit 200 before the end of the year! It was nice! Now I can’t even break 100 anymore. Oh well!
Good luck with all of your goals this year!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂