Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Bestie Relationships I’d Like to Add Myself to!

-In Haunted Ever After, I felt like that whole town were a family with the ghosts. And I think it would have been cool to be friends with them all.
-In the Love Dare I would be friends with them because someone needed to be friends with her to make sure she don’t do the crazy stuff she did in this book. Because they were not her real friends.
-In The Secret Dead Club, they run a secret dead club. What more reason could there be to want to be their bestie? lol
-In Unbecoming there is a bad ass grandma and the main characters both need their best friends. But they need another one because they both needed each other at the same time for different things.
-The Blonde Dies First has a group of friends that’s all assigned something from a slasher movie. And if that ain’t up my alley lol But move over girl, I’m the Final Girl
-It’s Only a Game has friends that are all playing this online game together. But then things get weird when they meet. And let me just say, this is one smart ass group. They were two steps ahead of everyone in this one! (Once she stopped lying that is lol)
-In Heiress Takes All they were ALL IN ON A HEIST. They all had a special thing to do in the heist and I thought that was so cool. I don’t know what my thing would be, but I want to be one of them so bad lol
-Curvy Girl Summer has a group of friends who I LOVED! I can’t wait to get stories for all the rest of them. They are all their own personality and I love them so much!
-Camp Sylvania is a group of tweens who are living it up at a Summer Camp….. that just so happens to be crawling with vampires and a ghost. And let me just say…….. They made it look so fun and I want to go there now too lol
-In Free Period these girls were bad af lmao But in the end they did some really good work and I was proud of them. That ending with the uterus tying on the toilet paper rolls lives rent free in my head for whenever I need a good laugh lmao

What about you? Have you read these? Will you read them? Would you want to be in one of these bestie groups? Let me know in the comments!
OOh nice picks! These are essentially new to me ones! I got my dates mixed up and I ended up doing next week’s topic! So I’ll have to take a stab at this one next week!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂