Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Authors I Haven’t Read, But Want to!

–Denise Williams: I keep adding her books to my TBR, but I can’t read them because I haven’t read the first one. I’m a STICKLER for reading things in order, including companions, so I just haven’t read hers yet. Hopefully I can squeeze in the first one before the next one comes out and I’m super behind.
–Emily X.R. Pan: I’ve heard nothing but good things about them, so it’s strange that I haven’t read them yet. I will one day. Maybe soon. I put their newest on hold lol
–Beverly Jenkins: I know I’ve sounded like a broken record lately because I keep saying I don’t like historical fiction, but since Bridgerton had just came out what did you expect? But anyway, since the lists of recommended books to read after the show kept circulating, I saw this Bev Jenkins book. And I added it to my TBR. This prompt made me realize I’ve never read anything by her because most of what she writes is his fic, something I don’t normally pick up.
–Jessica Goodman: I am not a fan of books with an overuse of drugs due to an aunt dying from an accidental overdose and a cousin and uncle surviving an overdose. And in all her books there’s always some drug use in it. I always get to the scene and immediately DNF. And now, this one comes out this year, and I’m hoping that this one leaves all that out. Because I really love this cover and I really love this synopsis since it’s like an 80’s slasher kinda thing.
–Chloe Gong: I don’t know how I’ve never read These Violent Delights since it’s so popular. I don’t know how many copies of this book I’ve actually bought for work. And now that she has a new book coming out and it’s set in the same world (?) I think I need to get a move on it!

–Lauren Asher: In this book there’s something like a Disneyland Park? And if its one things that’s going to excite me and get me to read something, it’s Disney anything.
–Tracey Livesay: Man listen, if her other books are about stuff like this, then heck yeah, I have been missing out and I need to do better lol I can’t wait for this!
–Chloe Liese: I have checked out this book like 19 times when I don’t have any other audios. And then of course I had 19 holds that come in and gets pushed to the back burner because most (or all) of this series is out and those holds were mostly new books. Sucks tho because I’ve heard it’s hella good and has some spice to it.
–Emily McIntire: Another person that has Disney in their works. And that means I need to read it. I DID just get Hooked on Audible, so maybe I’ll get to this author sooner rather than later.
–Kennedy Ryan: I’m a little ashamed with this one. I have SO MANY FRIENDS who have recommended her to me since I love me some BIPOC romances. But I just haven’t gotten around to it! And the stupid thing is, I caved and got this as a cover buy…. I own a physical copy, but as soon as I got it in, it went straight on my shelf smh lol But I do want to read this one soon. I think I’m going to get in on audio this month with my audible credit, so maybe I’ll read it soon!
There’s many, many more, but these are the ones I’ve felt the worst about not reading.

What about you? Have you read any of these authors? Let me know in the comments!
I still need to read Chloe Gong as well! I splurged on FL copies of that series since one was in the monthly subscription and then I just auto purchased the sequel as well. Lol. Emily McIntire is catching my eye with that Hook retelling! I love a good fairy tale retelling!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂