TTT: Authors I am Thankful For!

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Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 
This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Authors I am Thankful For!

Nic Stone: She is out here putting in the work for African American readers. I can’t thank her enough for the work she’s doing, giving them the books that portray characters that look like them and helping the authors who are also writing these stories.
Jason Reynolds: How could anyone not be thankful for him? I’m thankful for his speeches and his views on Anti-Racism and his books.

Kristina Forest: I’m thankful for her finally giving us Black Love (in YA)
Angie Thomas: Not being afraid to tell it like it is and writing a book about it. No matter who got upset about it.

Kalynn Bayron: I’m thankful for her for daring to be different. She got so many people mad at her for “touching a classic,” but there are so many other re-tellings of Cinderella and they’re ok smh I’m thankful she still did her own thing.
Lyla Lee: I’m thankful for her for love in books about body positivity.

Jenn Bennett: I’m thankful for some of my favorite authors writing more books next year!
Holly Jackson: Same as the one before!

Ted Caplan and Jenni Hendricks (pictured): Anyone who can write a YA book about an abortion isn’t scared. I’m thankful that they weren’t scared to give their characters pro-choice and to show just how hard a situation like this could be. Especially for those that judge, because the guy in this story was a POS and didn’t really deserve to be her baby’s father. But I digress.
Kwame Mbalia: Black characters in MG fantasy? Yes Lawd! I’m so thankful for Kwame giving us Black Boy Joy in fantasy. He’s a beast!

What about you? What authors are you thankful for? Are you thankful for any of these authors? Let me know in the comments!

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