TTT: 10 Wishes I’d Ask the Book Genie to Grant Me

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
10 Wishes I’d Ask the Book Genie to Grant Me 

1. I’d love for the Wait for You series to have more books! And one of those said books has to be about Katie! 

2. To be able to read as fast as Reid from Criminal Minds lol 

3. To have a Beauty and the Beast re-telling with a Lunar Chronicles twist

4. To get Winter and Heartless by Marissa Meyer early. 

5. To FINALLY land my dream job of a YA librarian. Before I finish my degree. 

6. To make all A’s the rest of my time in school. 

7. To live in a 3 bedroom house so I can one for me and my husband, one for our kids, and one for my library. That holds floor to ceiling bookshelves the entire way around. And has a ladder that goes around like Belle.

8. For J.K Rowling to decide to write another Harry Potter book. Even if it’s about his kids or his dad and his friend’s adventures I’d be happy!

9. To get the boyfriend to finally accept my love for all my book boyfriends and to give up on trying to make me not think of them. 

10.To read the 1,841 books on my TBR before I die. I know the list will keep climbing, but if I have the speed-reading like Reid down, I’d like to knock those out too lol  

What about you? 
What would you wish for? 

2 thoughts on “TTT: 10 Wishes I’d Ask the Book Genie to Grant Me

  1. OOoh nice! Liking these wishes!!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. Nice! I also had JKR writing another Harry Potter book. But to read all the books on my TBR that would be fantastic although I don't have so many on my Goodreads list. Great list.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her