TTT: 10 Questions I would Ask my Favorite Authors!

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Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 
This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Questions I Would Ask my Favorite Authors!

  1. Which character was your favorite to write?
  2. What’s your favorite typo story?
  3. What are your favorite writing snacks?
  4. If you were to write outside of your current genre, what genre would you pick?
  5. If you had the chance to collab write with someone, who would it be?
  6. Where do you find motivation? Life experiences?
  7. What do you do when you’re not writing?
  8. Pantser or plotter?
  9. Do you first write long hand, or is everything digital?
  10. Was your family and your closest loved ones all supportive of your career choice? I have many teens that don’t want to do what they love (photography, writing) because their parents have told them artists don’t make money.

They’re mostly basic, but I think they’re actually really good questions that need answers. And some of them are actually kind of funny. I actually got to ask Becky Wallace about her typo story and it was a really awkward time where sitting was turned into shitting and it became a completely different scene lmfaooooo

What about you? Would you ask any of these questions too? Have you ever asked any of these questions? Let me know in the comments!

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