TTT: 10 Books that Made me Hungry!

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Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 
This week’s topic is:

Top 10 Books That Made Me Hungry!

This is kind of cheating for me since I’ve done this topic several times, but I didn’t come up with another topic, so I’ll just have to change some of it up! Some of them will stay the same because they’re classics to me lol

-Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen: There are pizza and garlic knots galore in this book! I remember reading it and craving them so bad!
-To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han: THE COOKIES! Need I say more?!

-Maybe This Time by Kasie West: Andrew and his dad are the cause of this new book being added. I LOVED the bbq scene, but that potato salad and grapes on that one page WAS NOT IT.
-Tweet Cute by Emma Lord: From the Sandwich to the Monster Cookie to just everything that they made in this wonderful book sounded amazing! So, so good!

-Heartless by Marissa Meyer: I remember liking this one so much that I just had to make my own lemon tarts!
-Hungry Hearts Edited by Elise Chapman: Of course I had to include this one too! I was on the Own Voices Blog Tour for Jay Coles’ story, Gimme Some Sugar.

-Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett: The churros in this one! Just thinking about this one makes me want some lol
-The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord: I have still not forgotten about the cookies with potato chips. I still need to try it to this day!

-What I Like About You by Marisa Kanter: This one wasn’t my favorite, but I did like the cupcakes involved in this one. Every time she mentioned one of them, I wished I had one too.
-The Best Laid Plans by Cameron Lund: It’s always the pizza for me! I’m glad I had some today, because after writing this blog post I would definitely be craving some!

What about you? What books made you hungry? Any that made you order some of that type of food afterwards? Let me know in the comments!

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