Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

- Children of Anguish and Anarchy– Obviously this is a no brainer
- A Darker Mischief– A boarding school thriller… I’ve seen what I needed to see lol
- Our Wicked Histories– A horror book set in Ireland that speaks of something in the lake…
- The Blonde Dies First– As a horror girlie I am here for this! I can’t wait to get to this one!
- Time and Time Again– I have been excited about this from the beginning. And it’s romance, disability rep, and it’s queer. I NEED this!
- Under the Surface– I have been excited for this one since I heard it was set in Paris. I can’t wait to read it!
- Near Misses & Cowboy Kisses– This is very dumb, but I’m excited for this because it is a cowboy romance in YA. That’s why I’m excited lolol
- Hearts Overboard– Man listen, all I saw was that this was set in Alaska and that was all she wrote. This book better be good because I need Alaska for my book journal lolol
- Joined at the Joints– Another romance with disability rep. And yep, again, I need it.
- Kisses, Codes, and Conspiracies– There’s a heist? WHY ARE THERE SO MANY ALL OF A SUDDEN? GIVE THEM ALL TO ME LOL
- The Dark We Know– The words queer horror and supernatural entity are in the synopsis and that’s enough for me
- Silent Sister– Idek why I want this book so bad? It just sounds chaotic and that’s enough for me lol
- Prince of the Palisades– Have you seen this cover? (I mean besides in this post lol) And anyway y’all know how I feel about royalty romances. I NEED THIS! Please someone have pitty on me lol
- Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch– So wait, she’s dead and her like ghost tries to figure out who killed her? And you expect me NOT to be excited for this? Yeah, sure lol
- A Bánh Mì for Two– We all know I’m a foodie and I love contemporary romances that are diverse. And this one seems to be sapphic and the love interests (or one of them) might be Vietnamese? Idk, but the sapphic foodiness alone is good enough for me. I can’t wait to get this one in my hands!

What about you? Do you have all of these books on your TBR? Will you read these? Let me know in the comments!
OOooh awesome picks! Some of these are familiar and some are totally new to me ones. I cannot wait to read Amy Goldsmith and Diana Urban’s latest releases! Those look creepy good! I hope you enjoy all of these reads this summer!
Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂