Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join.
This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Bookish Discoveries I Made in 2019!
1. Page Weights: I didn’t care for the one I got, but that was because at the time I was reading really thick paperback and it didn’t fit. Since then I’ve read some that actually fit, and I LOVE it!

3. Book Stands: My mom: *sees me reading and using this while I eat* You know that’s for cookbooks so you can see them while you’re cooking right? Me: Yeah…. She seems to think I don’t need this just to have it, but I keep trying to explain to her that I need it anyways.

4. Taylor Jenkins Reid: Listen when I read The Seven Husbands, I KNEW I would love anything she wrote. I liked it so much at one point I thought it was about a real actress! Then when I read her other (Daisy Jones) I loved that one too. I had to check the vailidity of that one too.

5. Kristina Forest: This book was SO. GOOD. I’m adding this book as a bookish discovery because there’s no other YA books about Black kids being in love. So to me, this counts as a discovery because I finally got to read one.

6. Silvia Moreno-Garcia: Here’s an author whose debut knocked my socks off. ANDDDDD it’s about mythology, one of my faovirte genres!

7. Adrian McKinty: This book was so creepy and so addicting! I didn’t realize he already had lots of older things out, so I’ll be looking for them through out the year.

8. The Library Book: I had never heard about this book until it was used for our Gulf Coast Reads program that our region participates in every year. I thought since it was non-fiction I wasn’t going to like it, but it turned out to be really interesting. I really liked the way it was written. This discovery was that if I like the subject matter, non-fiction is something I can still give a chance to.

9. Mascot Love Interests: Idk what it was, but 2019 was the year of the mascots. There’s 3 of them out. (This one, Hotdog Girl, and Chicken Girl.) and I enjoyed the 2 I read. And of course, that set me on a quest to find every book that had a mascot in it lol

10. Sports Romance: This isn’t really a discovery, but more like a re-discovery. I’ve always liked sports romance, but this past year I got more into them this year. I tried reading any one I could get my hands on!
Here’s my Bookish Discoveries:
Did you find any of these too?
Let m know in the comments!
Ooh nice! I never thought about using the cookbook stand while eating! I started using a book weight. I still have to move it to turn pages and whatnot but it definitely helps me out when a book just wont lay open! Lol.
Here's my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
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