Top Ten Tuesday: TTT: Rewind (Some topic you missed or want to revisit)

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic (for me!) is:
Top 10 Aww Moments in Books
*These are in no particular order.*

CAUTION: Some of these may contain spoilers! Please be mindful and look at the book covers. If you haven’t read it, skip over it! 

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7)
1. When Snape says “Always” when talking to Dumbledore at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I think I was boohooing for about 15 minutes after that. I still can’t read it. I end up doing the ugly cry… 

If I Stay (If I Stay #1)
2. The entire book of If I Stay by Gayle Forman. Especially when Adam says my favorite parts of the book, “I want you to play me like a cello.” and “I’ll leave, If you stay.” My goodness, I melted. And I was completely in tears. 

Chain Reaction (Perfect Chemistry, #3)
3. In Chain Reaction when Alex was getting married to Brittany and when Carlos proposed to Kiara and Luis was still trying to convince Nikki to be with him. All those times I was either laughing or crying. It was so super adorable. 

Time Between Us (Time Between Us, #1)
4. The point where the letter in the Time Between Us finally begins to make sense. So sad that they’re amazing love story had to be such a loooooooong distance apart. 

5.In Easy when Lucas is telling Jackie why he helped with the self defense class and everything. I felt my heart break about 10 times when I read it!

6. The secret that Chelsea drunkenly stumbles across at the party that makes her take the vow of silence and what happens because of her and her big mouth in Speechless. I don’t like discrimination and this is what the book is all about. I felt so bad for them that they were found out that way and that he thought about hurting themselves because of that. 

Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1)
7. The part where Noah meets Echo’s dad in Pushing the Limits and he showed them how much he cared for Echo. I think I about melted then. And there was also the part about Noah’s brothers when he finally made the ultimate decision about their care. Huge awwww moment. 

The Fault in Our Stars
8. The eulogy by Hazel in The Fault In Our Stars. (I promise I was saying aww in between all my heart wrenching sobs…) 

Something Like Normal
9. The sea turtle scene in Something Like Normal is completely adorable. And then at Charlie’s funeral… I think I cried buckets. 

Clockwork Prince (The Infernal Devices, #2)Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)
10. Will’s realization that nothing was keeping him from loving anyone and so he tells Tessa that he wants to be with her, and then she tells him she’s engaged to Jem in Clockwork Prince. And then in Clockwork Princess when Jem dies and Will can feel it. My God, I was bawling in the middle of Quizno’s smh. 

3 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: TTT: Rewind (Some topic you missed or want to revisit)

  1. Since there are a lot of those that I have yet to read, it was great to get your take on those 'A ..' moments. Thanks for participating!

    We chose to share our Favorite Places to Read this week on Harlie's Books. Come on over!

  2. Clockwork Princess was brutal. I just finished it! Devastating, but totally awesome.

  3. TFiOS is just a whole lot of "Awww" and and I agree. A whole lot of sobs.

    Kelsey @ Behind Closed Covers

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her