Top Ten Tuesday: Top Things I Like on covers!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
 Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things I Like/Dislike on covers!
*These are in no particular order!


Something Real
1. Uniqueness:
-I love thinking “Man I’ve never seen a cover like this before!

The Chapel Wars
2. Bold color choices
-It really draws me into the story. Sometimes I won’t even read the synopsis because the cover drew me in so much!
No One Else Can Have You
3. No people/girls in dresses!
-I love when there are no people on the cover but it actually still makes for a really cool cover!
Fan Art
4. Simplicity
-Sometimes, less is more. You don’t need a thousand and one things going on for me to like it! 
Eleanor and Park
5. Book Hints
-I love seeing scenes from the book on the cover! When I recognize it, I will look back at it! 
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)
6. Creepiness
-Yes I like when a cover has a certain creepy feel to it! It makes me even more intrigued. 
The Chaos of Stars
7. Intricate Designs
-I love how the design looks random, but is still amazingly beautiful. And with the right colors it can set it off even more! 
Origin (Origin #1)
8. Cover Mysteries
-Although I like book scenes on my  covers, it’s nice for me to see a picture and wonder what in the world is going on. It’s what makes me want to read it! 
A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird, #1)
9. Just pretty in general lol 
-I’m not even sure why I love this one so much besides the fact that it’s gorgeous 
Kiss Kill Vanish
10. Colors that pop!
-I’m a little obsessed with colors that pop! It just makes them look so much more vibrant and more pretty! 
I never realized all the things I look for in a pretty cover! No wonder I have a certain Cover Whore shelf on Goodreads lol 
What do you like about covers? 
Tell me in the comments below! 

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Things I Like on covers!

  1. Great list! I agree with so many of these: creepiness, simplicity, mystery, and colors that pop!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  2. Oh yes! Gotta love the pretties like A Thousand Pieces of You! And I loooove the creepiness of Kendare's Anna books too!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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