Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Have Yet to Finish

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Series I Have Yet to Finish (for various reasons)
These are in no particular order.

The Hunger Games Trilogy Boxset (The Hunger Games, #1-3)
1. The Hunger Games series
Read: The Hunger Games & Catching Fire
UnRead: Mockingjay
Reason- This may seem childish, but I don’t want it to end. I can’t find myself to finish it because I have heard so many different reasons why I’ll be upset about the ending that I can’t make myself read it anymore…. Maybe I’ll read it when my mom catches up. Right now she’s only watched the movie smh
2. The Body Finder
Read: The Body Finder
Unread: Desires of the Dead, The Last Echo, Dead Silence
Reason- I have thee first book on my Nook and the third book as an ARC that I won. I just never had time to read for myself and read the second one. So the third one is just sitting on my shelf :
3. Paranormalcy series
Read: Paranormalcy & Supernaturally
Unread: Endlessly
Reason-I don’t want this series to end either. I’ve decided I’m going to wait until Kiersten White’s next book (Mind Games) comes out so that I have more of her writing to look forward to…. Even if it doesn’t have anything to do with Evie. 
4. Infernal Devices
Read: Clockwork Angel
Unread: Clockwork Prince & Clockwork Princess
Reason- I read and liked the first one alright, but as I was getting ready to read the second one, I saw that there were all these little short stories I wanted to read in order. Also, I heard the end of the second one had a cliff hanger, so I decided I’d rather wait until the last one came out rather than torturing myself. 
5. Beautiful Creatures series
Read: Beautiful Creatures
Unread: Beautiful Darkness, Beautiful Chaos, Beautiful Redemption
Reason: I read the first one way before I started blogging, so at the time I didn’t know it was a series. Then when I finally found out it was, I was into blogging and didn’t have any free time to read books just for pleasure. (Now that I do make time I’m sooooooo behind in the series, I’d have to read them back to back to back smh)
6. The Mortal Instruments Series
Read: City of Bones
Unread: City of Ashes, City of Glass, City of Fallen Angels, City of Lost Souls, City of Heavenly Fire
Reason: When I first started this series it was already extremely popular, and with me starting on the first one, my review didn’t seem relevant since EVERYONE on earth had already read it, so I just read the first one and quit. I have the second one on my shelf tho. I’m going to pick it up one day. Maybe when the last one comes out so I don’t have to wait to finish the series. 
7. The Soul Screamers Series
Read: My Soul to Lose (0.5), My Soul to Take, My Soul to Save, My Soul to Keep
Unread: Reaper (3.5), My Soul to Steal, If I Die, Never to Sleep (5.5), Before I Wake, With All my Soul
Reason: I discovered this series while I was blogging and I’ve picked up the books anywhere and everywhere I can, but I hadn’t had much luck with Reaper…. Until I saw that it was on Overdrive for my library ๐Ÿ™‚ I just haven’t been able to get to it. 
8. Mythos Academy series
Read: First Frost (0.5) & Touch of Frost
Unread: Kiss of Frost, Dark Frost, Crimson Frost, Midnight Frost
Reason- I came across the prequel on Goodreads. I DEVOURED it. I begged my mom to buy me the book (it was during a time I wasn’t working) and she finally did. When I finally got finished with it, the second book wasn’t available yet. When it was, I just never got it ๐Ÿ™ 
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)Girl of Nightmares (Anna, #2)
9. Anna series
Read: Anna Dressed in Blood
Unread: Girl of Nightmares
Reason: Last year I read Anna Dressed in Blood during October and I was scared out of my wits. But weirdly I like things like that haha so I’m waiting until next month to read it. When I know I’ll be even more scared ๐Ÿ™‚ 
10. Hereafter series
Read: Hereafter
Unread: Arise & Elegy
Reason: I let someone borrow my Hereafter book and I never got it back : I wanted to wait until it came out in paperback to get it again. By then the second one had come out and I wanted that one too but I wanted my copies to match. So I decided I’d just wait and get them at the same time and then just wait on Elegy. 
Welp, that’s all folks. On some of these I feel like such a slacker. On others I’m embarrassed I’m being so childish. What do you think? 

One thought on “Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Have Yet to Finish

  1. I still need to pick up Girl of Nightmares and I was hoping maybe around Halloween too! I haven't finished a few of the same up there but you definitely should read on in TMI series if you liked the first, at least the first 3 books. I know they are not for everyone but I love them. And good call on holding out for Clockwork Princess. Great list! ๐Ÿ™‚
    My Top Ten

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