Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want Santa to Bring Down the Chimney!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
December 4: Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing Me 
These are in no particular order.
Some of these things are not real. So please don’t go looking for them lol 

Kristy's Great Idea (The Baby-Sitters Club, #1)
1. The Beauty and the Beast set in the world of the Lunar Chronicles!– Beauty and the Beast is my favorite fairy tale and I would love to see it from that world because M. Maeyer did so good with Cinder and I’m hearing even better with Scarlet. 
2. A novella about Renessme and Jacob when she’s older– I was always Team Jacob because I’m drawn to tortured boys (AKA the Bad Boy) and I was always upset that he never got a chance to really love someone. I’d want to see how their relationship developed. Most people say its weird, but when she grows older, she won’t be a baby anymore I’m just saying. 
3. The Babysitter’s Club entire collection- I once had the entire BBC collection but stupid Hurricane Ike came in and flooded my entire house and took my collection with them. I was devastated. There was no way to even try and replace all of them. (Especially for the price that I had gotten them! They were FREE!)
Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, #2)Splintered
4. A Nook HD- Yeah its not a book, but of course it houses them. Its just about time I get rid of my Nook first generation. It freezes and barely holds a charge now. I clearly need something that’s going to work.
5. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer- I need someone to be nice and let me borrow this. Pleaseeeee I promise to treat it like my own! And as I’ve said plenty of times, I’d gladly give a limb to anyone that wants it….
6. Splintered by A.G. Howard- I haven’t read an Alice in Wonderland re-tellinf before and I’ve heard some amazing things about it. I can’t wait to see how it goes! 
7. A novella from Bennett’s POV to show about his time traveling- Who wouldn’t want this? I mean come on he loved Anna and it would just show the awesomeness that is his talent. 
Apollyon (Covenant, #4)Just One Day (Just One Day, #1)
8. Harry Potter box set- After re-reading my books multiple times and moving them from house to house, I think its about time that I replace my set…. It’s just upsetting because all of those are the ones that I bought at midnight on their release date and they are sentimental to me. 
9. Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout-  Nuff said. 
10. Just One Day by Gayle Forman- I cannot wait for this book! If I Stay was so amazing, I don’t expect this one to be any less good! 
What would you like Santa to bring you?!

5 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want Santa to Bring Down the Chimney!

  1. Awesome list! I especially like the image you chose for a new HP box-set – I wish I had that version myself ♥ Apollyon almost made my TTT but I had to narrow it down (LOL) Also definitely wishing for Scarlet and Splintered! I hope you get all of these under the tree this year 🙂

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  2. I want all the HP books in hardback (currently 4 are paperback) and oh my gosh, Beauty and the Beast is MY favorite fairy tale too! Like, ALL TIME fave tale!

  3. Interesting list. I loved Cinder so I can't wait to read Scarlet too. I hope Santa hooks you up with at least a few (or all) of them 🙂

    Tanya Patrice

  4. I looked at Splintered for my list but it came out after Christmas so I didn't include it. It's most definitely one I'll be snagging right after Christmas. Hope Santa brings you a few of these lovelies.

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