Top Ten Tuesday: Best of the Best!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
December 18: Top Ten Books I Read In 2012
These are in no particular order.

I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent, #1)Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1)Something Like NormalThe Catastrophic History of You and Me
1. I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga– This book totally took me by surprise. It was creepy and chilling and had me on the edge of my seat. I mean what else could you expect when you’re talking about a kid who’s dad was a serial killer! 
2. Cinder by Marissa Meyer– Cyborgs? Fairy tale retelling? Hovercrafts? What was there not to like? 
3. Something Like Normal by Trish Doller– This was a very refreshing Contemporary Romance YA. Travis and Harper were amazing and their romance was soooo believable and beautiful. 
4. The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg– Although it was released in 2011, I first read it this year and I loved it. It was different from most of the paranormal stories that are around. Also the romance, the actual story, and all the music was just amazing.
Stealing ParkerPushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1)Time Between UsDeity (Covenant, #3)
5. Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally– I love all her books because they teach lessons rather than just telling a story. I loved this one for teaching a story of GLBT. This book will totally touch your heart in more than one way.
6. Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry– Guys, you all know how I feel about a tortured guy with a “privileged” girl. To see (read about) the two connecting, it warms my heart and always turns into a wonderful story. 
7. Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone– This was my first time traveling novel and it won me over 100%. Anna and Bennett’s love felt so real and it was an amazing story. Everything about the book, from the characters to the writing was just amazing. 
8. Deity by Jennifer L. Armentrout– Dude, this book was a rollercoaster ride! Everything that happened, I was expecting it to be the opposite. This book really took my breath away. (Especially that one chapter with Aiden…. *le sigh*) It truly was my favorite of the series so far!
The Evolution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #2)Anna and the French Kiss
9. The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin– Dude this book was sooo addictive. And the more you read it, the more freaked out/weirded out you’ll be. It was so much going on and I HATED to put it down! 
10. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins– Not sure if you know this, but guys this was one of the reasons why I started reading (and liking) YA contemporary romances. Etienne and Anna have an amazing romance and its set in Paris, the city of love. How much better can you get?!
Well there you have it!
What’s your top reads from 2012?!

3 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Best of the Best!

  1. Cinder and Anna <33333
    I haven't read any of the other books on your list, but most are on my TBR list 🙂

  2. Thanks for stopping by my TTT. Great list! LOVED Pushing the Limits. Need to read Anna and the French Kiss. Some of your others are on my TBR list!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  3. You picked out so many wonderful books for your Top Ten post. I always forget about the post. I should participate in it next week.
    If I were to do it again I would go to school to become a librarian too. Congrats! I know you will do wonderfully.
    I am a new follower of your blog. Its adorable and has wonderful posts.

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her