Top Ten Books I Wish I Had Read as a Child…. Well, a Teen

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Books I Wish I Had Read as a Child Teen
Since I read mostly YA and I’m an adult, I went with this prompt instead lol 
Ramona BlueGirl Against the Universe
1. Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy: I had a couple years when I was 13 when I questioned who I was and this book perfectly showed this. If I had this book when I was that age, I would have had a lot more of my questions answered early on. 
2. Girl Against the Universe by Paula Stokes: This was one of the first books I saw that depicted anxiety that looked like mine in YA. When I was a teen I didn’t know what I had. My mom always just called me a pessimist. Had I read this earlier, I could have known what it was. 
Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky (Tristan Strong #1)The Rest of the Story
3. Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky by Kwame Mbalia: Do I really have to say that I wish I had this #OwnVoices book when I was younger? Definitely something I could have benefited from when I was little. And all the stories that were there?! I would have loved to have seen them in a book, even if I had heard most of them from my mom. 
4. The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen: I loved the way her anxiety was shown in this one. It reminded me of me. Fun fact about me: I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was an adult, because being behind a wheel terrified me. I couldn’t imagine controlling that huge, heavy, machinery. And this story reminded me of when I was a teen. I drove when I had to, but it just wasn’t something I jumped at like other teens. I could have used this to see that I wasn’t weird. 
I Wanna Be Where You ArePride
5. I Wanna Be Where You Are by Kristina Forest: As we know, I begged and begged for this one because I had never seen an African American couple in  YA. And by the time I realized this, I was already in my 30’s. I wish I had read this as a teen as well. It would have been a welcome treat to see someone like me find her first boyfriend. 
6. Pride by Ibi Zoboi: I’m not one to like any classics, but when it’s done in a contemporary setting like this one, it makes it so much more understandable and enjoyable. 
Prince in DisguiseDread Nation (Dread Nation, #1)
7. Prince in Disguise by Stephanie Kate Strohm: I didn’t even know until lately that I liked royal romance books, but then I read this one and I LOVED it. If I had read it earlier, I would have known it earlier and could have read more lol 
8. Dread Nation by Justina Ireland: There’s not alot of times in pop culture where an African American girl is shown as the MC and she’s kick ass and fighting zombies! I probably would have liked zombies a lot more if I had.
Broken Beautiful HeartsThe Hate U Give
9. Broken Beautiful Hearts by Kami Garcia: I don’t know another book where the love interest or the MC had asthma and actually had to use an inhaler! I’m thinking this is the first one I’ve read like this. I could have used this when I was a teen to not be so embarrassed about my inhaler. 
10. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas: I didn’t know all the many ways racism was shown when I was a teen. If I had known that it would be like now, I could really have benefited from this back then. 

One thought on “Top Ten Books I Wish I Had Read as a Child…. Well, a Teen

  1. Ooh nice ones! Seeing a lot of people switch up to teen! Perhaps that would have made the topic easier for me to grasp. As it was I changed it entirely! Lol.

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