Top Ten Bookish Resolutions/Goals!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Bookish Resolutions/Goals

1. Read more diversely: Read more than just what caters to me or those close to me. 

2. Become more active on social media: I normally don’t say anything at all unless it has to do with a book or my dog. I use my personal one more. But lately I haven’t used either and I want to remedy that!

3. Add my reviews to Goodreads, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble: I used to be REALLY GOOD at doing this, but after B&N made that rule to where you can only add a review if the book is out, it kinda went to the backburner. But now I have a new system and hopefully it works easier that way. 

4. Develop more original content: I have SO MANY IDEAS, but because of school I had no time to implement them. But now that I have more free time, I plan to do all the things I couldn’t do before. 

5. Go to more author signings and conferences: I have plans to do both of these things, but only 2 of each. But I want to do MORE. 

6. Read more outside my comfort zone: I didn’t realize this was a problem until I realized out of the 6 books I’ve already read this year, 3 were contemp romance, 2 were comic books, and 1 was fantasy. I want to read more fantasy, more historical fiction, and more MG. 

7. Don’t be afraid to be the black sheep: I sometimes find that I refrain to post reviews I DNF’ed or books that I didn’t like because I’m the black sheep…. Not in 2018. If a book’s not for me, it’s just not for me. 

8. STOP BUYING/ REQUESTING BOOKS BASED ON THE COVER: If you know me, you know I have this BAD. I can’t stop it tho. I wish this wasn’t such a huge thing I struggle with, but I can’t shake it. This year I want to do better about this and at the very least limit the pretty cover books to checking them out from the library so there’s no commitments lol 

9. Try my hand at being a bookstagrammer: I have 0 props (I have a very active puppy who likes to chomp on anything left sitting out lolol) but I want to get more as I build my library back up in the new apartment

10. Replace your bookshelves: I lost 3 floor to ceiling book shelves in my old apartment, so now I’m hanging on to the one floor to ceiling bookshelf in my living room. Before the year is over I want to replace my shelves and build my library like I planned to do in my old apartment before we were displaced! 

What are your resolutions/goals?

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Bookish Resolutions/Goals!

  1. Nice! I'd love to go to more signings and conferences myself, but it's so expensive for conferences! And signings are usually super far away for me, though it has been better in the past 2 years. This year I've already gone to 2 in my hometown!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. Amazon has the same rule that you can only review a product. I keep a little alert for myself to upload the review to GR/Amazon. I stopped doing BN out of pure laziness.

    I hope to see you on insta!

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her