Top 10 Thankful Freebie! Bookish Things I’m Thankful for!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Thankful Freebie!
Bookish Things I’m Thankful for!

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1. Audiobooks: I haven’t always been this way. But within the last 2 years they’ve showed me they’re more good than bad. I’m thankful that with audiobooks I have the freedom to read while I’m working, while I’m doing household chores, and while I’m cooking. My books read per year is still climbing because of them also. 
2. Bookish t-shirts: Finding things I love about the same amount of books is hard, but there are few things that have made the list. It’s family, food, bullet journaling, and bookish merch. Especially Bookish merch that I came up with. 
3. My Job: I love challenging myself to come up with new programming ideas and helping my teens get the books they want in their hands. I love being someone that they can trust and giving them a safe space to just be. I love being there for them as a friend and I’m thankful my job allows me to do that. 
4. Bookish Friends: I LOVE my bookish friends online, but I love having bookish friends IRL as well. Jenn and Michele are always there to listen to me gush about some book I heard about and they’re always willing to try reading it if there’s something I just absolutely loved. They are true reading addicts and I’m happy to know and read with them! 
5. My Mommy: She’s supported my love of reading since DAY ONE. From driving me to conferences, to standing in line for me at other conferences, to being the designated picture taker, to reading a book because I said I loved it, to coming to conference while on a leg scooter, she’s done it all. And all because I asked. I’m thankful for a mommy that’s still so involved in my life and for all the support she’s ever given me. I’m thankful she’s a reader too and she passed it on to me. I’m thankful she’s just as accepting of me reading now as she was back then. I’m thankful to still have a mommy that can be up and moving around, especially during conferences. I’m just thankful for her period. 

6. My Bookish Husband: I wasn’t always a blogger when we got together, so him accepting the piles of books all over the place, or the conversations about books he’s never (and will never) read, and of course the endless pictures I asked him to take of me, or my books, or of him. (Seen in this picture is him while we were moving when I stopped to ask him to do the Dumplin pose just randomly lmao) I’m thankful he hasn’t put me out and that he knows this addiction could be with anything else and could be something bad instead. I’m thankful that he knows that I know he’s the best book boyfriend of all. 

7. My Reading Bullet Journal: It gives off the illusion that I’m actually organized lol And even though I’m not, it helps my brain think I am. I’m thankful for the feeling of peace that this weird book has created for me. (I say weird because I don’t think there’s really any other notebook or planner that is specifically for books and I’m embarrassed if people flip through it because it showcases me as the biggest nerd on the planet smh lmao)
8. Diverse Books: Because I truly use them as mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors. They are the way I learn more about some things and how I can hope to teach others about things I may have already know about. I’m thankful now that we’re getting more and more books out there that reflect how life really is. I’m thankful that even though we are not anywhere near finished, that we’re actually starting, because at one point, we weren’t. 
9. My Keano Bean: He’s not really a bookish thing, but he kinda is. He’s the best reading companion ever and I’m super glad he likes to be right there while I read. Doesn’t matter the temperature, he’s always ready to curl up with Mommy and a book and read. I’m thankful that his size doesn’t stop him from still wanting to be with Mommy. 
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10. Goodreads: I spend so much time on this site, its a wonder I haven’t tried to buy stock in it yet smh lol But there is no way I’d be able to keep track of all the things I read or write notes about them or anything without Goodreads. I’m thankful there’s such a thing as a Facebook for books because this is the social media platform that was indeed made for me!!!!!!!!! 

What about you?
What bookish things are you thankful for?
Any of the same?
Let me know in the comments! 

2 thoughts on “Top 10 Thankful Freebie! Bookish Things I’m Thankful for!

  1. OOh nice ones!! It's always good having bookish people in your life!

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    Have a GREAT day!

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her