Top 10 Most Vile Villains

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishEach week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10 Most Vile Villains

1. Queen Levana- From the Lunar Chronicles series. She was too smart for her own good. 

2. Dolores Umbridge- From Harry Potter. I mean come on she was just annoying. And she made you write things that seeped into your skin.

3. Bellatrix LeStrange- From Harry Potter. Her laugh and leering voice creeps me out every time. 

4. the King of Adarlan- From Throne of Glass. Do I need to explain this? This man is cray cray. 

5. Queen Irina- From The Shadow Queen. I wanted to do this one for a long time because she is often times over looked. But she shouldn’t be. She is definitely crazy.

6. The Unknown Person- From Exit, Pursued by a Bear. That person that did this and put her through this was literally a disgusting human being. (Well character…. Well you know what I mean.) 

7. Ares- From the Percy Jackson series.  That last scene he’s in in the first book scared me. I know it’s an MG book, but still I was really scared for Percy lol 

8. Almost everyone in The Fixer series- I won’t be specific to avoid spoilers,  but just know you can’t trust ANYONE. 

9. That ONE person in Everything, Everything– Everyone saw the twist coming, but I’m still upset that it even happened. They basically stopped her entire life! 

10. Voldemort- Idk why I didn’t put this with the rest of the HP ones, but still. He will always be one of my favorite villains. But to be honest, I think Umbridge and her fake I’m saving the world was a bit more scary….

So, there’s some of my favorite villains! 
Do we have any favorites in common?
Who are some I don’t have on my list that you’ve loved?

One thought on “Top 10 Most Vile Villains

  1. Oh nice! Lots of HP people here! I ended up choosing one of them myself! Seeing another I chose as well! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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