Top 10 Books I've Recommended to my Mother!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.   

This week’s topic is:
Top 10  Books I’ve Recommended to X person!
*These are in no particular order.

     Since I don’t necessarily have a favorite genre and I didn’t want my list all over the place, I decided to make “x person” my mom! Here are 10 books that I’ve recently recommended to my mother! 

Half-Blood (Covenant, #1)Fangirl
1. Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout: I recommended this to her because she loves mythology just as much as me!
2. FanGirl by Rainbow Rowell: I recommended this one because Cather reads just as much as us and because the Simon dude reminds me of Harry Potter and we both LOVED Harry!
Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1)My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers, #1)
3. Cinder by Marissa Meyer: It’s no secret how much I love this series! I want her to read this because she loves fairy tales as much as me and I’m sure she’d love the futuristic aspect of it as well. 
4. My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent: It’s set in Texas in places that we’re familiar with. Plus its about a paranormal entity that she never read about. 
Firelight (Firelight, #1)The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)
5. Firelight by Sophie Jordan: I told my mom she would like this one because it was about Draki. That was all I had to say!
6. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: She didn’t want to see the movie, but after I took my aunt to go see it and we both raved and raved about it, she was like screw it. Now she’s read the ENTIRE series and I have yet to read Mockingjay. *hides in corner…*
Carrier of the Mark (Carrier Trilogy, #1)The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)
7. Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon: I recommended this to her because she LOVED Twilight and this one seemed so close to it that it could have been fan fiction with an Irish mythology twist lol 
8. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan: As I said before, she loves mythology and this was a fun and really easy book to read. I recommended it to her because she saw the movie and LOVED it. I told her the movie sucked balls and she didn’t believe me. She now hates the movies lol 
The Lost Hero (The Heroes of Olympus, #1)Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)
9. The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan: She loved the Percy Jackson series so of course I told her about this one!
10. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling: I’m not sure this counts because I was in the fifth grade and I didn’t really recommend it to her… She just started reading it because there was so much controversy surrounding the series that she needed to know what I was reading. 
So, what books have you recommened to your mom?!?!

3 thoughts on “Top 10 Books I've Recommended to my Mother!

  1. What an awesomely eclectic list for your mom! I think my mom would really like The Hunger Games because of the intrigue and the Percy Jackson series … I don't even know why I think so, othe than the fact that she picked it up last time she was at my house and seemed to enjoy the first few pages.

  2. I love, love, love The Hunger Games and Harry Potter; such amazing series! I'm really desperate to read Half-Blood, Fangirl and Cinder; they all look really amazing. My TTT.

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