This Wretched Valley by Jenny Kiefer

e-Audio, 08:33:03
Narrated by: Megan Tusing
Release Date: January 16, 2024
Published by: Blackstone Publishing
Read from: January 27-28, 2024
Source: Library’s Libby
TW: Gore, Murder, Body Horror, Animal Death, Vomit, Fire/Fire Injury
For Readers Interested In: Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Adult

        Four ambitious climbers hike into the Kentucky wilderness. Seven months later, three mangled bodies are discovered. Were their deaths simple accidents or the result of something more sinister?
     This nail-biting, bone-chilling survival horror novel is inspired by the infamous Dyatlov Pass incident, and is perfect for fans of Alma Katsu and Showtime’s Yellowjackets.
     This is going to be Dylan’s big break. Her friend Clay, a geology student, has discovered an untouched cliff face in the Kentucky wilderness, and she is going to be the first person to climb it. Together with Clay, his research assistant Sylvia, and Dylan’s boyfriend Luke, she is going to document her achievement on Instagram and finally cement her place as the next rising star in rock climbing. 
     Seven months later, three bodies are discovered in the trees just off the highway. All are in various states of decay: one body a stark, white skeleton; the second emptied of its organs; and the third a mutilated corpse with the tongue, eyes, ears, and fingers removed.
     But Dylan is still missing. Followers of her Instagram account report seeing disturbing livestreams, and some even claim to have caught glimpses of her vanishing into the thick woods, but no trace of her—dead or alive—has been discovered. 
     Were the climbers murdered? Did they succumb to cannibalism? Or are their impossible bodies the work of an even more sinister force? Is Dylan still alive, and does she hold the answers? 
     This page-turning debut will have you racing towards the inevitable conclusion.


I kept hearing about this book from so many other people that read horror. And let me just say, I need to start reading the synopsis lol Because this was good, but the beginning had me a bit worried. But for the most part it was ok.

Ok so the main reason I said it was just ok was because it took too long to get to the good stuff. Or the explanations about what happened anyway. It just took too long and I was annoyed by that. Especially since I didn’t know about what the story was actually about lol I think Even still we aren’t really told what’s happening until like 50% in to the book. And by then I already had an idea. But finally, when things began happening, it picked up considerably.

Once it picked up the book just basically never stopped. The different timelines that were revealed in this was crazy. And the things that happened during those times?! CRAZY. I was glad that Kiefer gave us the actual scenarios of what happened in the book. If it had just been a little information here and there, I don’t think it would have hit the same. It still would have been scary, because these things were just crazy overall. But I don’t think it would have been as crazy if we didn’t have all the details.

The plot itself was a little boring because this was a very character driven story. All of them were there for different reasons, but they also had all these weird ass things going on too. And man, it changed them all. But who wouldn’t change when things like ghosts from the past are coming for you in the woods that you can’t seem to make your way out of…..

Then there was the ending. I liked it, but it seemed so abrupt. I think I would have liked it better if there was some chapters, or even just a chapter from the end that was from the land’s POV. There is some time that was there, but it’s not much. Basically just what that last character was from. But Idk, I wanted more. It really should have been it’s own, living, breathing character throughout the story.

This book didn’t exactly live up to the hype for me, but it was still an enjoyable read. I can certainly see what made the hold list for this so long. I hope that if you pick it up, you enjoy it more than me.

Overall, I give this

One thought on “This Wretched Valley by Jenny Kiefer

  1. Nice! I saw this one and was curious about it. But now that you say things don’t really take off until halfway worries me. I don’t like when horror or thrillers do this as I feel like it should happen at least 1/4 in or 1/3. Just a little setup and then hit with the creepy! I may or may not pick this one up. I love a good eerie read but if it takes too long to get to that point I might not even make it to the creepy! Lol. Nice review all the same!

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